
Liam steps into the house, careful to the fact that his mother's car is parked outside. Due to nearly slipping five times,he was delayed.

Wel,it was better than getting nearly killed of course. Liam slips his soaked sneakers and coat at the door, hoping the wooden doors wouldn't creak so much.

"You're late Liam. I wasn't even aware you were out, especially this late."
The stern raspy voice of his mother rang out, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry ma. My friend was in trouble am-"

"You know you're grounded, Liam. Because of the very same reason.
Why do you keep doing this?"

Liam could look at the tired,worn out woman sitting on a broken chair. He loved his ma, she works so hard at the hospital and he disobeys.

"I am really sorry ma."
She only shook her head as she starts to quietly sobs, her black hair hanging in her face.

In shame,Liam ascends the stairs. He couldn't help it really. He was alot like his mother in that sense, always helping others before helping themselves.

He opened his door to his room, seeing the small bed and desk still untouched since this morning. Homework papers and clothing litter the place. He always cleaned up but recently he had no will to.

Liam sighed and sat down on the bed, still hearing the beating of the rain outside. If only his best friend, Anton, would finally leave his deadbeat dad and come back to school...

Liam only shook his head and leaned against the window. Leaving the light on and only in his pajama pants. Closing his eyes,he began to drift.

That is,until he heard someone speaking. A soft,wind-like voice.
He opened his eyes and looked around him, the lights out.
He looked at the clock.

3:30 am

He sighed and looked out, the rain still going but had quieted down.
He looked at the street below, a street light flickering.

As he blinked, lighting struck.
And there before his eyes,next to the street light...

Stood a girl, dry as bone, wearing a summer's dress in the middle of winter. He looked closely, seeing her looking right at him.

As Liam rubbed his eyes,he looked again. There was nothing again.
Gone, disappeared out of thin air.

And as Liam looked for the girl, thunder rolled in the sky.

It seemed that Liam had a far more interesting day than he'd planned.

Behold! I bring you chapter two!
A little longer,more information given.

If details seem hazy,is because I like writing without really describing... So it was intended like that.

This is unedited and grammar is up to shit.

But I do hope you liked this one,
Comments and likes are appreciated.

As always,stay groovy (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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