Chapter 2: To Dusk...

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The meeting ended early due to the encounter with Six.

It was almost sunset so they started heading out. One summoned out their arms and grabbed their weapon, Five told everyone their positions. One and Seven attack from the trees, Three attack from behind the rocks, and Five and Nine behind the trees.

Five: Okay X, go lead the Evens over here.
X nodded and skipped near the Evens base and started to sing to catch their attention.

Four's POV:
I was just leaning on the wall enjoying the quiet atmosphere until I heard someone singing. I speed walked my way over to where the noise was coming from and peaked from the wall and saw the variable on the Odd side.
Their singing was quite lovely...
WAIT NO, T-THEIR AN ODD- I said to myself.
The x(?) heard me and squeaked, causing the others to hear. The x started to run away while the we started to chase them.

3rd Person POV:

X was running to the spot the attack was going to happen, when he made it there he turned around facing the evens and secretly signaled the others while spawning his axe.

Zero heard someone running and tried to warn the others until she kicked to a tree. They felt their back crack a bit and grunted in pain. Six ran over to Zero helping them up, Ten told Six to bring Zero back to the base while they fight the Odds off and to return after.

While Six and Zero returned back to the base, One and Seven jumped off the trees and One aimed for Eight while Seven went for Two. Seven swung at Two's head knocking him the F___ out. Seven was about to bash his head open until Four lunged onto Seven, pinning them on the ground. Four was about to stab Seven in the 'chest' until their arm was hit by an arrow, causing them to drop it.

Three saw Two getting up, they grabbed another arrow, sticked a note on the arrow and shot it, though they missed, on purpose.

Two saw the arrow next to them and saw the note. They took the arrow and teleported it to their chest next to a tree they chill at. One swung their scythe and Eight, causing a huge slash on their 'chest' that was slightly deep. Eight screamed in pain and ran away, trying to find Ten to tell them that they should retreat.

One threw their scythe like a boomerang at Eight causing them to trip. Some dirt got on their slash as Eight tried to get up.

Eight's blood was staring to mix with the filth...

One was about to finish Eight off until he felt a pain in his arms.


One's arms flickered until they disappeared causing him to let go of the scythe. Ten dropped the water gun and picked up the scythe. They were about to swing at One until the scythe disappeared as well.

One ran away and hid behind a tree while recovering from the pain that was staring to overwhelm them.

While the other numbers were fighting with each other, the Evens started to retreat due to the damage that was done. The Odds then returned back to their base and rested fot the night.

When all the even numbers were asleep Two sneaked to the tree and grabbed the arrow. He read it and it said,"

Hey, I know I'm an odd, but maybe we can make a deal, so meet me at the tree next to the mushroom bed

Two's POV:
Maybe I can trust them, they have a bow so it might take them awhile to reload, so that's good to know just incase they try to attack me, I thought to myself. I decided to place the arrow back in the chest and went back into the cave and fell asleep.


This took my awhile to make I guess, anyways I'mma go to bed so have a Great Day/Night, cya.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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