Book VI: Messiah

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I write these histories and accounts for my excellent Emperor Titus, may his rule extend forever. Herein lies the traditions of my people in the southern lands of Cyrus and of Jireh, with special consideration given to the Messiahs and their deeds.

In the Kingdom of Cyrus after the reign of the good King Akim, to whom no heir was born, died in a war waged in a foreign land, a great unrest was felt in the hearts of the people. Many men of war and of state made claims of kingship, but the Lord was not with them. The chiefest of them being the King's vizier, a man called Zareha, and the great General Mordechai who was against him. The might of both men were equal and the blood of many was shed during this time while the righteous wept.

A Magi named Shuimel who had served King Akim while he lived, was visited by the Lord in a dream. And he said unto him; "Fear not Shuimel and weep no more, for I, the Lord, have chosen you to be my hand upon the Earth. Proclaim that I have chosen a new king and he alone will rule over the kingdom of Cyrus. Go now into the desert, near the Jireh oasis, there you will find a shepherd boy tending his sheep. His name is Daniel and he is my chosen king."

So Shuimel thanked the Lord and set forth to do as he commanded him. He traveled in secret down the road to Jireh and searched for the shepherd boy there. He went around the Oasis, and talked with almost every shepherd boy in the region but the lord did not speak to Shuimel. But on the evening if the third day he heard a stringed instrument and a song;

"The Lord God is good to me, he has left me wanting nothing.

Even in the wilderness, he sustains me.

In the heat of the day, I find rest.

He is my shepherd and I am his sheep.

In the dry places, I do not thirst.

And in the night, I find peace.

The Lord God is good to me."

Upon hearing the song Shuimel knew that he'd found the one that the Lord had spoken of and indeed, his name was Daniel. The Lord then spoke to the Magi and instructed him to enter in to the Temple at Jireh. When he brought Daniel to the temple, the other Magi there did not protest for the Lord had also spoken to them.

Daniel was brought into the innermost room to the holiest of places and was given a portion of the Fruit of the Tree of Life and a Portion of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. And when he ate of the fruit the whole place shook and a voice spoke like thunder so all in Jireh could hear; "This is Daniel, my chosen Messiah and king for this age. Just as Solomon before him, I have blessed Daniel with wisdom and vitality. So have I spoken, so shall it be." So Daniel went north to Cyrus with the blessing of the Lord and he so took with him his sheep.

When he arrived in that land he looked out and saw an encampment at the foot of the city of Cyrus and perceived that it was under siege by the forces of Mordechai. Daniel went down to the encampment to speak with Mordechai but as he approached the men made an attempt to kill him. But when their swords fell, they were entangled by sheep's wool and the sheep ran away with the swords in their coat. Daniel played a merry song on his instrument while he walked through the encampment until he reached the tent of Mordechai.

Mordechai, in awe of this shepherd boy, and also seeing that one of the Magi was with him, layed his sword down and asked him; "What news do you bring boy? speak it now and say it clear!" The boy finished his song and spoke up saying; "My name is Daniel, and I bring a word from the Lord! Lay down your arms, and follow me, for Cyrus belongs not to Zareha nor does it belong to Mordechai, the City is the Lord's alone! Follow me those who seek righteousness and the Lord shall go before us!" Mordechai fell to his knees when he heard the word of the Lord and commanded that all his men follow Daniel.

The Shepherd boy now turned his attention to the Gates of Cyrus. And atop the gate, Zareha stood, for he had been watching the encampment. Zareha opened his mouth and shouted; "Shepherd boy! What Master do you serve? Mordechai the usurper or Zareha the rightful king?" Daniel let out a hearty laugh and then answered him; "I serve no master but the Lord. There is a rightful King of Cyrus, but it is not Zareha, for the Lord has not chosen him. Repent Zareha, or face the wrath of the Lord!" but Zareha did not repent and went back into the City.

So Daniel turned back to his sheep and played another song on his instrument. He danced before the gates and the strings became like thunder and his footsteps shook the earth. The gates fell inward and the armies of Mordechai poured into the City. Zareha then understood that the Lord was with Daniel and he did repent. Daniel praised the Lord and danced through the city streets and all the glory was given to God. Daniel was anointed as king by Shuimel and ruled long and righteously in the eyes of the lord and there was peace for all the long years of his life.

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