Book VII: Jedidiah

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In year fifty-two of the reign of the Righteous Emperor Titus, a Prophet did emerge from the wilderness in Jireh and he called himself Jedidiah. He stood in the ruin of the temple at Jireh and addressed the Magi who remained there. “My brothers, I have returned from exile, from imprisonment, and from wrath. I come not with violence as I did before, but with a word from the Lord. For while I was trapped under the mountain of the most holy I was visited in dreams and visons by the Lord! I saw the very last days of this age and the return of Solomon, the first and true king of men!”

Before the prophet could continue to speak on these things, one of the Magi challenged him saying; “If you are truly Jedidiah, as you say, then show us. The Jedidiah of old had many powers, demonstrate for us one of these and we shall believe!” When the man finished speaking the prophet lifted his right hand towards the man and he immediately fell dead before him. None dared to interrupt the Prophet after this happened and so he continued;

“The Lord spoke unto me; ‘This is what must come to pass before Solomon again walks the earth; A great bird from the lands of Kir will take flight over the wilderness and torment the people of Jireh. Fire comes from its nostrils, no sword may pierce it’s hide, and it’s cry is like thunder. The bird will die in the wilderness and from his belly, a warrior will emerge, and he will contend against you. The warrior will wound your head and death will take you, but in three days you will rise again.

It is during this time, the nations of the world will set their hearts upon the kingdom of Cyrus for they will long for it’s destruction for they will all be under the influence of Djinn. And Cyrus will be destroyed, but from the fires of it’s ruin, Leviathan, my faithful servant will return and destroy the works of my enemies and lay low their engines of war. From Kir, they shall set forth with chariots to make war on Jireh and across the Great Desert of Jedidiah and even unto the City of Solomon. But my servant Behemoth will crush them underfoot and their number will diminish but the Tree of Life will be destroyed by them.

After these things are to pass, you will again make war upon the Earth, the fighting men will be spent and the children will be fatherless. It is then I will raise up my last Messiah, and he will seek the City of Solomon and the Fruit of the Tree that still lies there, for even in it’s destruction, I have made provision for him. And he will go into the mountain of the lord and ascend into the Heavens and into my house. And from the heavens he will bring forth Solomon once more. But they will come unto you, not as they went, but in the same manner that Solomon went to Ziz all those many years ago, cloaked in fire and lightning.

Solomon and my last Messiah will contend with you Jedidiah, and you will die by their hands and by my will you will die. With your death, never again will there be discord upon the Earth. Solomon will once again rule over all of mankind, and he will restore the Earth and it will be a garden once more. When there is no more arid place or desert upon the Earth, I will again walk upon it and I will be near to my children for all time. So have I spoken, so shall it be.”

After he said these things, the Magi there stood in awe, for they knew what he spoke was the word of God. This Dark Prophet stayed at Jireh and rebuilt the Temple there. And it is there that he waits for the signs given to him by the Lord and the end of all things.

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