9: Backstory 3

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Chills crawled on Julien's skin as a hand gripped his throat, nails buried deep on his skin. With the lights returning to normal, the demons were stunned at the sight of Kuea standing behind Julien. Kuea reached out for Julien's arm that was on Lian before forming a smirk on is lips.

"Ahh!!!" Julien screamed as Kuea broke his arm, freeing Lian from his grasp.

"Stultus..." Fool... Kuea whispered as Julien fell on the floor.

Julien is a royal demon and ordinary demons cannot be on par. However, not only was Kuea able to suppress him, his arm was broken as well.

"Y-you! How dare you lay a hand on me!!!" Julien panicked as he started crawling away.

Kuea turned to the sword on the floor before picking it up and returning his attention to Julien.

"Quomodo audes... De telo Dei... Morte punire..." How dare you... to the weapon of God... punish with death... Kuea uttered as he walked towards the terrified Julien.

"Kuea..." Aelin whispered as she was about to step at the being that resembled her son.

"Stay back. That's not Kuea." Mr. Wang stopped her.

Eyes pitch black accompanied by a strong intent to kill, it was an entity using Kuea's body.

"Nu-Kuea..." Lian whispered as Kuea turned his attention to him.

"Hia? Are you alright?" Kuea asked, his voice echoing together with a low and terrifying tone.

While distracted, Julien took his chance and pushed Kuea before taking the sword from his hand. Everything went too fast, almost a second or even less.

"You're dead." A menacing whisper from Julien as he attacked.

"No!" Aelin shrieked in sight of the Holy Sword piercing through Kuea's chest.

Time felt slow to everyone at that moment. Aelin's cry filled the room as Julien laughed with what he's done. Blood dripped from Kuea's wound to the sword's handle.

"Fool! I thought you were special one but you're just an average Illici---"

"Kuek... Ha... haha... AHAHAHAHA!!!"

Eyes turned to Kuea as the terrifying laugh occupied the whole reception.

"What the---" before Julien could even react, Kuea appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck.

A smirk crossed Kuea's lips as he raised his right hand before stabbing Julien on his stomach. Julien let out a loud, terrified cry but it only made the latter laugh. Blood splattered on the floor as Kuea pulled out his bloody hand from Julien's body.

"Iterum?" Again? Kuea uttered as his hand once made its way to Julien's body, stabbing him on his waist for the nth time.

Lian's eyes shook in terror witnessing Kuea continuously stabbing the now unconscious Julien that only managed to stand with Kuea's hand on his neck, the latter laughing and giggling as if it's the most fun he's had.

"Lian! Get yourself together!" Mr. Wang shouted as Lian got a hold of himself.

Kuea laughed like a madman with blood all over his face and clothes. His hand is soaked in Julien's blood which felt delightful for him. In one swift move, Kuea's hand once again met Julien's warm insides, this time breaking his ribs protecting his heart.

"If I pull this out, would you die? Kuekuekue... AHAHAHAHA!!!" the young master cackled hysterically with his hand around Julien's heart.

Lian, finally realizing what's happening, ran towards his beloved and held his bloody arm that's on Julien's neck.

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