Chapter 10: Reunion

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The man slowly rose, shooting glances at the sword, casually leant at the wall. Ahinora tried to cover herself up, still sobbing uncontrollably. Pointing his black sword at him, the elf rushed to help her up, stroking her face and planting a fleeting kiss on her forehead.
"You have something I value highly and I am taking back whatever is mine." his voice thundered under the wooden ceiling. "Did he manage" his voice broke to a desperate whisper as he averted his concerned gaze to her, unable to finish the question.
"No..." she said, leaning on him, trying to stand up. Eöl cut the ropes around her wrists and gently massaged her bruises, his eyes glowing dangerously. Gently supporting her he turned to the nobleman, whose eyes were fixed on the weapon in the corner.
"Pretty face, lavish clothes and a black orcish heart underneath them." barely leashed rage was boiling in his voice, "It is against my nature to kill an unarmed man. Go grab you weapon - let's see if you are good at anything else than forging insidious plans and tormenting women."

The blond human leapt to his sword and unsheathed it. Eöl was standing motionless - a tall dark figure in the centre of the room, hatred obscuring the light in his clear elven eyes. Blades clashed, and a confident smirk appeared on Eöl's lips. He was avoiding the slashes of the noble effortlessly, toying with him, but got quickly bored and leapt towards the panting man. The human was a skilful swordsman, but he couldn't compete with the centuries of practice and the agility of the elven lord. He swirled his black blade and turned into a tempest of rightful anger - striking, punishing, teasing, mocking without causing any major wounds. The cool green eyes of the golden-haired man turned wide in fear, and this is what the elf longed to see. Cold and composed he prepared to land the finishing blow but there was something he didn't take in account - the human insidiousness. Instead of meeting his strikes the nobleman leapt in unexpected direction and wrapped his hand around Ahinora's throat, restraining her moves, sword at her neck. Eöl froze.
"You are going to let me leave and not chase after me, otherwise you will retrieve your prized possession in pieces" he declared he, voice raspy, and moved towards the door.
Ahinora was fighting to breath. Seeing her in agony again, her bare shoulders and breasts marked by purple fingerprints, these unworthy hands on her again, her eyes filled with silent, desperate plea, broke something in him. The candle flames flickered as a swift subtle flash of magic and faster than lightning move changed the balance of the forces in the room. The blond man felt a slight sting and gasped in surprise - a small, feather-like black blade protruded from his hand holding the sword and a single drop of dark blood rolled down from the wound. The poison worked fast, and his right hand started shaking violently, soon followed by his entire body. Before he dropped to the floor Eöl pulled Ahinora out of his arms, still clutching her with unnatural gluttony; he gently lifted her tormented body, studying her face with concern, and carried her back to the mossy ancient depths of Nan Elmoth.
She was lying next to him on the small hill close to their home, head resting on his chest, the leftovers of a hearty dinner and a bottle of wine scattered on the grass next to them. She was contemplating the stars and listening to his explanations, noticing that he is unconsciously using more elven words, their foreign melody placing a spell on her, binding her heart to his mysterious race. The wind was dancing in the leaves, carrying the smell of summer flowers and wilderness, the crickets and the frogs from the nearby lake singing their praise to Yavanna as the elf suddenly got quiet. She turned her face to inquire the reason for his silence and she noticed that his chest is raising faster as he carefully rolled her over on the linen blanket and kissed her so softly as if she was the most fragile and tender thing in all Arda and beyond. It was a kiss holding a passionate plea, and he gently positioned his body over hers, his grey elven eyes delving deeply into hers. Her breath hitched, as she realized that it is a life changing moment, that tonight, under the cool dance of the shooting stars the fate of many will be shaped.
"Eru be my witness" spoke Eöl solemnly, stroking her face with his long fingers, "I pledge myself to you, I bind my soul to yours in this realm and beyond. I will share your burdens, your fate, for I choose mortal life."
Too afraid to breath as if she could ruin the moment, she clearly read his tension and the expectation in his gaze.
"Eru be my witness - I pledge myself to you, Eöl, I bind my soul to yours in this realm and beyond. In Eru's eyes, I am you and you are me."
Soft laughter, hot kisses, bodies intertwined - and there, in the depths of Nan Elmoth, under the benevolent light of Earendil's star, the summer breeze whispered Eru's blessing of this union of love, and another tale began.

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