iv - peace of mind.

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iv. peace of mind

he says it's impossible,
but i know it's possible.

- ms. lauryn hill.

 lauryn hill

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the sound of her phone ringing woke her up out of her sleep. she wasn't happy to speak to whoever was one the over end of the phone.

"what?!" she snapped at the person on the other line without reading the caller id.

"well damn my bad, i just wanted to know if you were ready for our date later on" she immediately sighed in guilt of being rude when she heard david's voice through the other side of the phone who sounded very remorseful.

"oh my bad I didn't look at the caller id, i'm getting up now" she said as she frantically kicked the covers off and slid her feet into her slippers that sat at the door of her bed.

let me backtrack slightly for a moment, after david got her number he and chianti spent hours in the phone as he explained how he got into his situation with emily, by the end of it chianti was disgusted with the mer thought if Emily.

then after that they got to know eachother a little better before david asked her on a date for friday, that was 3 days ago. now today was the day that david was taking her out and they were both excited yet nervous.

"alright mama, make sure you were something for outside" he said before they exchanged goodbyes and chianti went into the bathroom to get ready

freak in you played throughout her home as she sung along lowly to the lyrics. her mind raced a mile a minute, mostly about her moving out of her apartment soon.

there had been a nearly ere silence from domnique that in the past couple days, thought she was never scared, she was slightly worried. being who her dad was and how she grew up she saw many times that silence from a person that's a danger to you or an enemy it never good.

but nonetheless she brushed it off in order to be able to have a good time with david on her date, the first one she had in a very long time.



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