t h r e e

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"Didn't you say you were Min Yoongi's childhood friend?" Jimin asks one night as they stare up at the ceiling of their shared dorm room, engulfed with the darkness of the night and the lack of artificial light.

"Yeah. We've been friends ever since I could remember," Taehyung answers, suddenly feeling that heavy weight on his chest at the thought of what he once had been but now lost. "He means a lot to me, Jimin."

Jimin hums, scrambling on his bed so he could lay on his side, eyes boring straight through Taehyung's face. "Was he always like that ever since high school?"

Taehyung frowns, turning to face Jimin. "What do you mean?"

"You know," Jimin says with a shrug. "Always sleeping around with men."

Taehyung feels a lump lodge itself directly in the middle of his throat, not allowing him to speak. It doesn't feel good to hear that from someone. Yoongi was the best and kindest person he had ever met. He's so selfless and considerate. Taehyung couldn't remember when Yoongi last put himself above anyone else, because he's like that. All he knows is how to give everything he has without asking for anything in return. Maybe that's why he's letting all these men take advantage of him as if he's lesser than them.

"You know, Changwoo, the guy he's dating now," Jimin starts to speak again and Taehyung feels his ear perk up at the mention. "That guy always sleeps around with different men and women. It was so weird when I saw him first with Min Yoongi because I never thought that he'd settle for just one, you know?"

Taehyung grits his teeth. Of course he should. The bastard better not even think of finding anyone else when he has Yoongi already.

"But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Changwoo would really never settle for anyone." Jimin turns to lie down on his back again, eyes drifting to the ceiling once more. "I heard that he was caught fucking another girl in the party the other night. Jungkookie told me. He was at the party too."

Taehyung freezes altogether, feeling his blood boil at thought. He's seething with so much anger that he feels like his face is heating up right now, hands clenching into fists and itching to do something. To hurt someone. Changwoo.

"Does Yoongi-hyung know?" Taehyung asks quietly, feeling his own lips quiver at the question. Why does Yoongi keep on involving himself with people who keep on treating him like he's worth nothing? Yoongi is worth so much more than that. Why can't he see that?

"I think so," Jimin replies. "I mean, he was there."

Taehyung clenches his eyes shut, already knowing the possible answer to his next question. "Did he break it off with Changwoo?"

Jimin grunts. "No, they're still together. Said they weren't exclusive anyway. Changwoo said that Min Yoongi is most definitely his but he, unlike Min Yoongi, is allowed to be with other people."

"That's fucking dumb," Taehyung grumbles under his breath, fingers massaging his temple as he feels an impending headache. "That's like a one-sided open relationship. Why the fuck is Yoongi-hyung exclusive to him while he's allowed to fuck everyone else he wants to?"

"Maybe Changwoo just isn't satisfied?" Jimin asks rhetorically. "And if Min Yoongi agreed to be in that kind of relationship, then he definitely knows what he's doing, right?"

Except that Taehyung thinks he doesn't. Because if Yoongi wanted it, he wouldn't look so miserable right now as he watches his boyfriend make out with another guy right in the middle of the hallway. They also eat lunch together from time to time but Yoongi would just remain silent next to Changwoo as the latter basically starts groping another girl on his other side while paying no attention to Yoongi at all. He will only look at Yoongi when he gets bored with the other person or when he notices someone else looking at Yoongi. When the latter happens, he would glare at the other person and start on pulling Yoongi on his lap just so they could kiss in front of everyone and so he could leave marks on Yoongi's neck while glaring at the others who would even try to look at Yoongi.

if you could see yourself through my eyes | taegiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon