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The semester continues and Taehyung finds himself focusing on his workload once more. He calls back home from time to time when he's feeling homesick and also to get news about Yoongi. His parents tell him that Yoongi is attending his therapy sessions and he's dropped out of college for now until he can fully recover from everything.

Taehyung agrees. He misses Yoongi but he just wants him to get better. And seeing Taehyung while he's recovering might not be good too, since Taehyung's presence might remind him of all the abuse he had experienced from his past.

So Taehyung focused on becoming better at his classes. If he can't do anything else for Yoongi, then he should focus on himself for now. So when they see each other again, they would both be better people.

It's only after the second semester is over that Taehyung decided to come back home.

It's been a while. He's ready now.

Months of not seeing Yoongi had been pretty lonely, but he knows that it's for the better. The last thing he would want is to cause the older boy any kind of pain. Because after everything that Yoongi went through, Taehyung would never, ever even think of being the reason for those stars to disappear from Yoongi's eyes again.

He steps foot in the very familiar neighborhood, closing his eyes and taking in the fresh air before finally walking back inside the home he grew up into.

He's greeted by hugs from his parents, showering him with affection as they ask him what he wants to eat or if he needs to sleep after the long trip. He just shakes his head with a small laugh and returns their hugs before letting his bag hit the floor. "Where's Yoongi-hyung?" he asks.

His mother smiles gently, fingers carding through his hair to somehow fix his messy appearance from sleeping during the ride back home. "He's probably staying in, sweetheart. He just had a therapy session this morning."

Taehyung bites his lower lip, anxiety probably shown on his face as he tries to think whether it would be a good idea to see Yoongi now. "Is he okay?" he asks, voice shaky.

"Well, he's doing so much better than before." It's his father this time. "He's been through a lot. We were scared that he would have to suffer permanent damage. He looked like he had given up on everything when he came back."

Taehyung nods, letting the information sink in.

And he understands what they mean. Yoongi was in a very bad shape the last time Taehyung saw him. The older boy was crying and telling everyone that he didn't want to live anymore. Taehyung doesn't think his heart would survive seeing Yoongi like that again. "His smile," he mutters. "Does he smile now?"

His mother smiles, retrieving her hand from its former place on Taehyung's face. "Well, you'll have to see for yourself."

Taehyung practically runs to the house next door, almost tripping on his foot when he passes through the gate and stops just in front of the door. He raises his fist and knocks on the wood, completely surprised when it opens as soon as his fist touched the surface.

He's so ready to face Yoongi's mother and pull her in for a hug so he opens his arms wide, ready to wrap them around her as soon as she sees him. Because it's always like that. Yoongi's mother always opens the door to let Taehyung in.

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