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(3rd Person Pov)

"Doo doo dah doo~ looks like it's about time!" A red octopus built like a human hummed, as he used a fishing rod

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"Doo doo dah doo~ looks like it's about time!" A red octopus built like a human hummed, as he used a fishing rod.

"Momoo! Time for your meal!" The octopus used his mouth as an trumpet to alert the animal.

"Momoo! Time for your meal!" The octopus used his mouth as an trumpet to alert the animal

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"Huh? What's that trumpet noise I heard just now.." The green haired swordsman awoke from his slumber and listened closely.

"Don't know! But smells good, wanna check it out?" Y/N suggested making the two strawhats leave the area.

"That's straaaange.. what's with him!?" The  octopus used all of his six hands to scratch his head. "Roasted pig would be his favourite! Maybe he already had his meal..? Well I'll just eat this then!"

"Was that.. you who blew that trumpet just now?" Zoro's upper body popped up from the wall behind him.

"Ooh! Can I have some of that roasted pig!" Y/N grinned as he appeared next to his crewmate.

"Nyu! W-Who are you two!?" He let out a yell. "Who, me? Im Hacchan! You can call me Hachi!" The nameless octopus introduced himself to the pirates.

"So, you're a fishman too?" Zoro asked curious if he's in the Arlong pirate group.

"Yup, yup! I'm a charming octopus fishman! I feel like I've seen you guys before..! Are you two with the marines or are you guests?"

"Guest? Yeah, we're probably more of a guest." Y/N answered the question weirdly but Hachi doesn't notice.

"But you know, Arlong's not here right now." The octopus told the two guys.

"Yeah, he's not where'd he go?"

"It seems that this long nosed intruder got away from us, we already have two of his companion tied up here, but Arlong went to Cocoyashi village to go catch the other human!" Hachi explained unknowingly to the companions.

'Must be Usopp.. guess we'll go save him in the meanwhile..' Zoro thought.

"How can we get go that village." Zoro sighed.

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