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After days of traveling i finally made it to Ranboos

I pulled to the reins once we approached the house

I got off and slowly walked as i tied Cyber to a fence

"Hello! You must be Ira" a half white half black creature says as approach me easily over towering me

"Y-yeah" I said as I noticed there eyes, red and green

They looked so beautiful like an emerald and ruby dancing in the sun

"D-do I scare you" he says as he breaks eye contact

"No no it's just...your eyes are pretty" I say as he looks back at me and smiles

"Thanks usually people hate them"

"Oh, I'm guessing your Ranboo" i say as he nods

"Nice to meet you" he holds out his hands which I take and shake gently

" I must warn you I have these..moments where I get taller and my eyes turn purple..try to stay away when I'm doing it" he explains as he looks at me

"Are you an endermen!" I say as he looked a little startled

"H-half yes" he said

"Can you teleport?" I say as he nods and teleport to the left like 2 feet

"Woah" he teleports to where he was before

"Phil announced in the letter it was your birthday" he said as he smiled

"That's correct im turning 13" I say as Ranboo looks at me

"13, that's so young I could of sworn you were at least 18" he says as I laugh

"No, but thank you" he nods

"Let's bring in your stuff before it gets dark" Ranboo says as I nod

We starting bringing in arm load after arm load

After he finished Ranboo brought in what was in the chests attached to the saddles

"It's a very lovely place" I say as I look around at the decor and neatness of the house

"Thank you" he hands me wrapped up things

"These are from Phil and techno" he said as I sat down and start un wrapping them

Clothes,coins,and a new cow plushy since I lost Henry

"That's cute" ranboos says as he motions to the cow

"Her name will be..lavender" i don't know why that name it just came to me

"Perfect, I also got you something but if you don't like it that's fine it's all I would find" Anglo said as he hands me 2 big box I open one

I see it was a juke box with a disk on top

"I didn't know which one you liked so I grabbed my favourite" he said

"I have more if you want" he adds

"Ranboo this is perfect" I say as I look at the disk, dad and fathers favourite


(My playlist had pigstep and it's playing..lol)

"The other one I got cause I thought you were 18 so you might be to young, sorry" he says i open it to see a diamond chest plate

"Thank you" I say as I hug him tightly and he hugs me back

"No problem, I also had a friend made a cake, she likes baking in her free time" Ranboo said as he pulled it of a chest

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