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I set my head in my knees as I tried not to make a sound as I cried, not to disturb anyone or anything

I took off my mask a while ago so I could wipe my eyes easier

"Hey" a sweet voice said but as I tried to look at them they were already beside me comforting me

"It's ok..I'm here just breath, feel my breathing and copy it" me and this sweet girl did this for about a few minutes until my head was in her lap and she was brushing her fingers through my hair

"What's your name" she asks me once I calm down


"That's a sweet name, mind if I call you Ait" what was new it was almost like Arrêt

(Stop in French)

It also sounded like Eret

"Umm you can call me Ira" I say as she nods and continues to play with my hair eventually starts braiding it

"Why we're you crying?" She asks like it was her baby and didn't want to see it cry


"Of what?"


"Oh..I understand I felt like that to..I'm lesbian by the way" once she said that my head flung up

"Are you flirting with me" I say not understanding the idea of 'flirting'

"No no I'm just trying to calm you down" once she says this inlay my head back in her lap

"And I have a girlfriend"

"She's ok with you doing this"

"Yes, I'm sure she will be ok" she says

"What's your name"

"Aimsey, you cal call me Aims if you wish" she says

"How did you figure out your..gay"

"We'll the correct term would be les, but I kind of just thought that girls actually made me feel like me when guys felt like I was in a video game being controlled" Aims explained

(Go watch her story cause mine is not correct-top videos)

"Oh..what if a girl kisses you and you don't know how to react so you break down and then they helpyouandyoustarttofeelsomethingbutyouhavenoideawhat" i say as i start rambling

"I'm not sure" how could she even hear what I said

"My suggestion is telling her, then if you to decide to date cool, if your uncomfortable with it break up she'll understand" Aimsey walks me through it as I take a deep breath

"Ok" I say as I sit up and looks at her

She's short, and with hair straighter then her sexuality that is chocolate brown and hands down to her shoulders

On top of her head was a red toque (Beanie) she had a black shirt on and some comfy looking sweats

"Want me to come with you"

"No no that will make it awkward..can you just stay here just incase" I say as she nods

"Yep!" She says happily and puts a sweet smile on her face

I walk over to nikis house and knocks hearing minx open the door and see me

"Hi" she says

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