- part 1

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- 3rd Person

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- 3rd Person

A quiet yet noticable groan could be heard from inside one of the two cells of the arena in the middle of the lost City of Ouroboros.

[Name] was sweating quite badly as they were awoken by yelling, cheering and distinctive chattering, much to the Oni's dismay, as well as the chains around their wrists. They grogilly stood up, shaking their head as their vision darkened since they stood up too fast. Their warm hands came in contact with the cold walls surrounding them, feeling the need for support to collect themselves.

"Oh god... Oh god.. Why is this happening to me?", they question, despite knowing they wouldn't get an answer. The voice that came from their mouth was hoarse as they hadn't really spoken in a while and their throat needed water desperatey.

" Ugh...." The groaned while sitting against the cold wall of the cell they were in, trying to collect themselves from panicking, although they were certain it was gonna be no use, they could at least give it a try.

A voice could be heard outside of the cell, although [Name] could not see who was the cause of it, since the cell door had no holes to peek through.

"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one!"

Much to the dismay of the Oni, they were certain they were going to have to be included in this so called 'battle'.

"I give you, Ninja Versus Samurai- but wait, there's more.-"

A moment of silence could be heard outside the cell, most likely for the dramatic effect, before the voice continued.


A crowd could be heard loudly cheering outside the cell after that was announced.

Oh crap. The secret was out now. 'Ugh.. I'm fucked.' The Oni thought.

The cell doors suddenly sprung open, revealing four colourful figures standing in the middle of the sandy arena, as well as one big robotic looking samurai coming out of the cell across from the Oni's cell.

"WHAT! We have to fight the Samurai and an Oni! But we don't have our golden weapons! It's not fair!" A scared voice could be heard from one of the colourful figures.

The Oni was too distracted by the people [Name] was supposed to fight, instead taking in their details.

The colourful figures looked to be wearing ninja outfits, which most would call a 'gi'. They also had metal adorned on the shoulders of their ninja gi. They also looked to have different signature weapons on their back.

The mechanical looking samurai had a golden hand while the other hand was replaced with a claw-like hand. They were adorned with a golden chesplate with a lot of red on the body of it and a black helmet, containing the top of the person inside the samurai suit.

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