Chapter 2 | I left and returned.

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I was there for only a month.. The reason why was because.. Both of my parents had died. And me and my Aunt had to move back to our country state to mourn and have a funeral there.. I was broken. But not because of that. Because I was leaving Sammy. We had such a good bond..

Leaving was tough. But I promised I will come back, and I will play in the band once more.. but.. it's been years since then... I don't think that'll ever happen.—



Huh.. The door bell had been rung, I wonder who it is.

I walked up to my door, it being years since it all happened. But I settled alone in a small apartment back in the state where the Studio is, I opened the door and saw a small envelope on my welcome mat.

" Huh. I didn't send anything to anyone? Who Is this from..? " I bent down and picked it up. Closing the door and walking to my small kitchen table, sitting down.

I opened the envelope and was surprised to see a yellow card, I opened it and immediately spotted the many ink splatters on it. This was definitely from Joey Drew Studios. It had been so long since I've been there...

The note said:
" Hey (Y/n)! Long time we talked eh? 30 years! Wow. I'm sending this to you asking if you'd like to stop by the ol' Studio one last time, I know you've had to deal with a lot these past years, but wouldn't seeing some old friends cheer you up? See you there. "

" Your old Pal/Boss; Joey. Drew. "

Reading the note made me realise. I promised Sammy I'd return! And it's been what-? 30 years since then?? He must be so upset at me!

I got off the chair and immediately began grabbing necessities for the trip. Indeed. I was going back to Joey Drew Studios.

I had every I needed. And I opened my apartment door, and locked it from the outside. Making my way to the parking lot and to the Studio.


The door creaked open, and I was bombarded by dust, I began coughing. Waving the dust away I was shocked by what happened to the studio. Although dust was everywhere, the entire building seemed to be flooding of ink!! The door had slammed on me and I was locked in. Rattling on the door handle I was frightened.

I began running into the Studio to find the ink machine, a large object that produces ink to make things into reality.. It was something I always saw but was never able to touch as I " Might break it- ".

Room to room I struggled to find the machine, and the ink was nearly past my waist.. then I found it. Pumping ink faster than a washing machine. I tried everything I could think of to stop it from pumping ink. But nothing would work. The ink got closer to my mouth.. to the torso. Neck...

I screamed for help as ink engulfed my body.. Everything went to black as ink.


My eyes slowly opened. I didn't know where I was.. as everything was spinning...

" H-huh... Wh- What happened..? " I muttered to myself.

I slowly gained the strength to get up. Slowly my vision was turning normal and I was able to look around; I was in the middle of some pentagram on the floor. But I was in ink. I stood up quickly, feeling sorta dizzy. But I gained my vision back completely and I was able to see where I was and what happened.

I saw the glow of an eye through a broken mirror on the floor. I walked to the mirror and was shocked to find out what I looked like...

My entire body was ink. But the side of my face and my hand were skin, it was silky but sorta slimy too, I shivered at the feeling.

" I... "

Eventually I calmed down from my shocking reflection and I began looking for a way out. I did find some boards in-front of a door that seemed broken already. I walked through the door that was easily broken through like someone hit it with an axe..

Walking and walking.. it felt weird to walk as your entire body was ink but your hand and side face, even walking in ink was sorta uncomfortable. When walking in that ink I saw someone.. or something walk past the door frame.

" H-Hey! " I croaked out, I didn't get a response, so it must've been my imagination.

I had to do some random puzzles to get to room to room.. But then. I was shocked by what I walked into. The Music Department, it seemed to not be flooded with ink. But it seemed different, or like something was watching me.

I noticed the instrument I would usually play in the band; a guitar, it being the same one from years ago. But.. it was different too. The position. It was seemingly placed where some other instruments were placed below it, and another instrument sat next to it.

A banjo. An instrument that... Sammy. Would play.

I gasped. And walked up to them. " ...U-uh. I don't understand... "

I pick up my guitar and sat down. It had been years since I played it but I could still remember a certain song, a song I would play with Sammy every break we had.

I picked up the pick and began to strum. Ink would paint the guitar, but I didn't seem to care. With much precision I played the song we called; " Ink Bellows. ", my inky hand stayed together but didn't drip while I push down on certain strings to make different sounds.

Eventually I began to sing along to it, we had made everything for the song.. it made me began tearing up even singing about it..
I miss Sammy.


Suddenly I heard someone walk closer to me..

Thump. Thump.

I faced the way the sound was coming from. And saw nothing.

' What was that... I swear I heard someone walk closer to me.. '

I shrugged it off and looked at the guitar, remembering the days I would play in the Music Department with the band, we would make our own songs, practice songs for the animations Henry and others would help making, and I would have many MANY days with Sammy here too..

A tear drop.

A single one fell onto the guitar, I wiped it off. And put it back where it was originally at. I sighed while walking away from it, to look for something important.


| Authors Note |
Thanks for reading the long ass second chapter. I am enjoying making this. :D

WORDS: 1132


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