Chapter 2 (Monsters)

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There was a bunch of them, there were some spider looking monsters, creatures that look like me a little (Block like) but it looks like a Zombie.
A bunch of Green Monsters and these tall black figures.

They were following me and I ran as fast as I could. I then spotted a tree and hid behind. Then I thought I lost them because I didn't hear anymore so I looked back and a Green Monster was there.

"Hi, I..." The Green Monster was cut off by me punching him.

I kelt running and the Green Monster was coming after me. I then stopped and stayed there. There no point of running, I just need to let the Green Monster win.

It walked closer and was breathing heavily, 'Can these things talk or is this one just special?' I thought.

"Wow *heavy Breathing* I didn't think I was going to keep up with you." It said.

"You can talk?" I asked

The Green Monster talking wasn't the only thing different about, now that moon was out I saw clearly that he had shaggy brown hair.

"Well my name is Jeff, I'm Notch's brother." he continued

That Notch guy most be really important but why is his brother a Green Monster?

"I wanted to help create this game but he sucked me in here and turned me into a creeper."

So this thing is a creeper, so I guess when creepers hiss and grow a little, they explode.

"I can't leave till I open up this portal but I've been looking for days and I can't find it."

Then I realized with this creeper on my side I don't have to worry about monsters attacking me. So I told him to come along with me to the portal.

"You must be new here." Jeff said

"Yeah but I'm glad I have a creeper that can blow up." I said

"Yeah, about that."


This doesn't make any sense, all creepers can explode right? Please tell me this guy can explode or I'll be ticked.

"Since in my human form I only have one life, I can't explode or I'll be dead."

Shot, MOTHER PEARL. This creeper only has one life. That's mother flipping retarded. Well that doesn't matter, we need to find the portal. I'll just use my map.

"Ok Jeff, follow me and we should be on our way to the portal." I said

"Oh boy! I can hardly wait." Jeff said excitedly

On our way Jeff scared off a bunch of monsters. When we got to the X mark all was there was a chest. I taped on it and it opened and some Obsidian was there and a Flint and Steel.

"The only reason why I can't get to the portal is because I can't build it." Jeff said

He then told me the pattern to put the Obsidian in and I clicked it with the Flint and Steel. The Obsidian Portal lit up with purple stuff.

"I didn't think this was going to be so easy to escape this place." I said

"Let's go in." Jeff said

I jumped in together with Jeff and I couldn't wait to go back to my comfortable apartment and Super Mario games.

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