Chapter 5 (The Portal)

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We fell on to the cold underworld rocks, we are going to go back home. We got up and walked towards the portal.

"So why are we in the Nether?" Stephanie asked

So this place is called the Nether, nice to know.

"The portal is up there." Jeff said

We walked all cool style, I ran up there with the key in my hand and I fell. The key flew from my hand and started rolling off the cliff. I ran as fast as I could, I slid to it and I grabbed it. Which made me fall of the cliff and Jeff grabbed on to me.

Talk about a cliff hanger. Budda ding. I was pulled up. Then I got the key and placed it in the key whole. I turned the key and the whole place started shaking. We were pushed far away and we hit the cold ground, and the world around us was disintegrating.


Sorry for the short chapter, this story is coming to an end, just 2-3 chapters left.

Sorry this was going to be long but boring so I decided to shorten it.

Thx for reading update soon

Till Next Time...........
~Illuminati Kensell

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