9 | The Birth Of Al Sah-Him

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Al Thaelab shouted as he threw a table over, Ra's paid no mind at this but he too felt the same desire as the two men along with the other League members watched as the SCPD arrested Roy Harper in the Arrow suit.

"To repeat, we're getting word from the authorities that Roy Harper, a Glades resident with a long history of run-ins with the police has been identified as the vigilante known as the Arrow." The Channel 52 reporter said.

"Mr. Queens allies are really becoming a pain in my ass." Al Thaelab growled, Ra's turned to his heir, "Stay your tongue, boy. This is just one setback. We will have our chance with Queen. Just be patient." He told him.

"Patience isn't really my strong suit." Al Thaelab said as he walked away to his room taking off the League's robes before putting on a orange hoodie, blue jeans, and grey converse shoes. "Where are you going?" Sarab asked the supernatural. "To have a conversation with our archer." Al Thaelab replied as he left the League warehouse.


Al Thaelab walked towards Oliver who was in the back of Verdant, the young assassin clapped his hands at the man. Oliver turned towards him and glared.

"What do you want?" The Queen man asked. "Your cooperation. Bold thing you did, having Harper take the fall as the Arrow while you're free." Al Thaelab said.

"I had nothing to do with Roy turning himself in. But I will get him out." Oliver stated. "And then what? You and I both know that Ra's won't stop until you've become my Horseman." Al Thaelab informed him.

"That's not going to happen." Oliver told him as he began to walk towards the backdoor entrance of Verdant. "People are dying, Queen." Oliver froze as he held onto the doorknob.

"Your days as the Arrow are finished. I hope that you'll come to your mind before we take any dramatic action that requires hurting your friends or family." Al Thaelab said before walking away.


Al Thaelab was in Iron Heights, hiding from the cameras and guards before arriving in front of Roy's cell. "Wake up." He growled.

The Harper boy flinched at the voice, raising his head, his eyes widened at the sight of Al Thaelab. "What are you doing here?" Roy asked him. "I'm here to ask you a few questions, then I'll lead you to your fake death." Al Thaelab said.

Roy's eyes widened even more while Al Thaelab smirked, "I'm not an idiot, Harper. I know a fake death scenario when I see it. Look, we don't have much time before the next round of guards arrive, so, I just have to ask. Why give up everything you love and know for this man?"

Roy hung his head down, "I assume you've heard of Slade Wilson." Al Thaelab nodded, "Yeah, the Mirakuru soldier that went insane and attacked Starling last year with an army. What about him?" He asked.

"He injected me with the Mirakuru. The serum turned me insanely strong like Captain America strong but it also turned me violent. I killed a patrol officer. In doing so I left a wife to grieve her husband and a son to grieve his father. Ever since I've put on the suit I've tried my best to atone for that. But this. This is the only chance I get for paying my sins." Roy explained.

He then lifted his head to look at Al Thaelab's whose eyes held a forgiving expression for him. "So, don't tell me I don't deserve to be here. Because I do." Roy told him. Al Thaelab nodded, "You're a good man, Roy Harper. May our paths cross again in the future." Al Thaelab said before disappearing as he heard the next group of guards arrive.

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