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After a few hours

Phil-mate? I don’t think he is coming back

Techno-but why would he say he was going to come back 

Phil-i don’t know it’s late you sho-

Phil gets cut off by his door being slammed open and then closed again

Techno-what the

dream-(is panting) h-hi

Phil-jesus mate you look horrible i’ll go make some tea (walks out)

Techno-what happened to you teletubby

??????-don’t call bubba tubby (peeks out from dream’s side)

Philza-(walks in with cups of tea) aww who is this cutie

??????-imm thwree (holds up three fingers)

Dream-that’s good techno,phil meet drista

Techno-so why exactly was she left unattended

Dream-oh no she was never unattended she had other with her

Techno-why exactly did you bust through our door though

Drista-bad men bad meanies

Dream-we were in a rush is what she means

Drista-nu uh daydre say no lying

Techno-so can we get the truth

dream-(sighs) since she is so young she doesn’t really know what that term means

phil-(takes a drink of tea) makes sense if she is three

Techno-yeah but the fact that they were people is different

Dream-oh she can’t really tell the difference between zombies and humans

Phil-mate you do realize that can be bad

Dream-it’ll be fine they won’t hurt her

drista-(tugs on dreams shirt) ‘m sleepy

Dream-ok dris (picks her up)

Drista- home i want home

dream-(slightly bites lip) not right now think of it as a sleepover

Drista-nooooo XD should be home though

dream-(sighs and puts drista down ) i will message him to tell him now go to bed 

Drista-where though no en-

Dream-phil would you show the room i’m staying in

Phil-sure mate don’t be long though (walks drista to the room)

Techno-soo teletuby why wouldn’t zombies hurt her

Dream-that is none of your concern techno

Techno-would they hurt you too

dream-(sighs) yes you have seen them trying to hit me

Techno-then why not her

Dream-please stop asking ques-

As dream was speaking he was cut off by a scream one that dream realized and started running towards the room leaving techno behind 

As dream bust into the room

Phil-i left for a few seconds to get cloths

dream-(runs over and picks up drista) why did you scream dris

drista-(crying) m-meanies 

Dream-shhh it will be ok drista no one can touch you

Techno-uh teletubby no one is in here

Drista-i said not to call him that (begins to slightly glow)

Dream- (sighs and whispers something to drista)

All of a sudden a loud noise was heard

Techno-heh the fuck was that

Dream- (groans) shiiiiiit 

Phil-mate what are you not telling us

Dream- you are gonna need to grab tommy quickly 

As soon as they grab tommy they all ran outside 

Dream-ok just follow me and phil hide your wings if you can

Phil-why mate

dream-(sees something) shit just do it now and your husks techno

Techno-uh dream that isn’t something i can hide

Tommy- ugh the fuck

dream-(sees it start approaching them) jesus christ take drista

techno-(grabs drista from dream)

Phil-mate what are you planning

dream-(creates some type of magical force field around the others)

???-well well couldn’t see from afar but what do we have here

????-it seems like our old “friend dreamie”

dream-(forced him to suppress a shiver)

???-awww don’t be shy dreamie 

????-you know why we are here don’t you

dream-(doesn’t speak but nods head)

????-very well what is your choice then

dream-(takes a deep breath) i choose to save the smp 

???-what would you do if we didn’t uphold our deal

dream-(clenches fists)

????-ugh i hate that thing and it’s enchantments take it off (points to mask)

dream-(shakily raises hands to remove his mask)

????-good now dreamie what would you do if we took the mincraft fam-

dream-(accidently uses his magic due to anger)

???-now that is the reaction we wanted

dream-(Is silently shaking)

????-punishment time subject 0.1

Dream-fine just leave the smp alone (has a way squeakier voice)

???-not here someone could see us

????-what about your sister drista was it

dream-(growls) i’m not giving her to you

???-just give us the damn brat 

dream-(growls and eyes to begin to glow a brighter green) don’t call her that

????-my my dreamie powers how long 

dream-(freezes and the glow quits)

???-answer mutt

dream-(still isn’t answering)

????-dammit we have to go (drag him through a portal)

From techno and phil’s perspective

dream angstWhere stories live. Discover now