part 9

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Picture isnt mine

Ash-got it come on mutt

dream-(just walks with him being quiet)

ash-(knocks on the door) 

????-come in 

ash-(walks in and bows forcing dream to as well) sir the doctor requested a change

????-depends on what change they are requesting

Ash-they would like for subject 0.1 to be moved and make visits

????-reason for change

Ash- subject wouldn’t take them seriously and refused to obey

????-denied if we agreed because of stupid reason’s nothing would get done

Ash-very well then sir i will take my leave if you don’t mind

????-after you say my name it’s been so long don’t want you to forget 

Ash- how could i forget your name sir it’s earl 

Earl-correct now take your leave you are no longer needed here

Ash- yes sir (stands up and leaves the room with dream)

With xd and the others

It was a little bit after he gave them the warning

Tommy-don’t you think that was suspicious 

Techno-i don’t care now go to bed

Phil-he’s right mate we have to rescue dream tomorrow so we need our energy

Tommy-but guys why don’t we focus on the mystery right in front of us

Techno-we wouldn’t even know if dream didn’t get kidnapped

Tommy-eh that’s not the whole picture

Phil-tommy just drop it 


Techno-if you do not stop i will come over and suffocate you to sleep

Tommy-phil are you really going to let him do that

phil-(sighs) no but i will tie you up if you don’t stop 

Tommy-this is unfair

techno-(sits up with a pillow)

Phil-mate don’t it’s not worth it let me deal with him

Techno-to be fair it is always worth suffocating someone

Phil-mate lay back down 

Tommy-fine i will go to bed (lays down)

Techno-good night tommy stay in bed (lays down)

Tommy-rude (yawns)

Phil-good is everything calmed down now

XD-(teleports in) is everything ok i kept hearing arguing 

Phil-yep we’re good mate just had to help tommy drain energy

XD-oh i thought you were going straight to bed

Phil-no he usually has a lot of energy

XD-well then you could have sent him out to play with drista


Phil-you said not to go out mate

XD-i also said cause drista is going to be playing didn’t you hear that

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