part 10

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This picture doesn't belong to me

Nightmare-woow so the kid is aloud to cuss but not me

XD-you actually listen he on other hands doesn’t 

Nightmare-so is he like daydre’

Tommy-why do you call him daydre’

XD-...reasons a mortal like you would understand

Tommy-can you atleast answer on why he said he was a human on a hybrid server

XD-daydre’ has never liked showing his power or his hybrid side

Tommy-did he know those people were after him

Nightmare-kid i suggest you stop while you are ahead

Tommy- i am not a kid bitch

Nightmare- phil get your gremlin

Phil-not until coffee have fun (walks away)

XD-yeah nope (teleports away)

nightmare-(grumbles) come on

Tommy-sooo what are we going to do

Nightmare-something that the blo-i mean techno agrees with

Tommy-why techno and what did you call him

Nightmare-cause i am 90% sure that he is a voice of reason if not phil

techno-(narrows eyes in suspicion) yeah that’s right but gremlin doesn’t listen

nightmare-(walks up to techno and whispers) you should know i knew those names

techno-(scowls and walks away from nightmare)

Tommy- why must you all be so damn confusing(pointing at nightmare)

Nightmare-why must you be so nosy we have our reasons

Techno-better be a good one because my patience is running low 

Nightmare-yeesh a gremlin i can handle you no way

Tommy-i’m not a gremlin fucker and why techno

Nightmare-does he really not know about that

Techno-no one except phil knows well at least i thought

Nightmare-yeah daydre has that effect

Tommy-why the fuck do you speak in riddles

Nightmare-god how does he always find one extremely annoying one

Techno-what do you mean find 

Nightmare-nothing you need to know

Tommy-wait does dream know other people besides us

nightmare-(groans) of course his peanut brain can figure that out

Tommy-oi fucker i don’t have a peanut brain

Techno-his brain does seem to be useful when it’s annoying 

Nightmare-you know what no bye (teleports away)

With philza and xd before nightmare teleported

Phil-where is your coffee mate

XD-left shelf 

Phil-thanks oh how exactly do you know those names

XD- i’m honestly offended george didn’t tell you about me 

Phil-i mean mate you did break out cool table(chuckles)

XD-(groans) i have said this multiple times that it was a precaution

Phil-i know i know just messing around though you never answered my question

XD-i mean how what was i supposed to do when you have a gremlin child who doesn’t really like dream

Phil-mate answer my question 

XD-huh you asked something

Phil-yes i asked how did you know those names

XD-oh um i’m not sure i’m allowed to say

Phil-you’re older than dream though

XD-it’s hard to explain oh night should be coming soon

Phil-thought he was with tommy and techno

XD-unique ability to annoy people oh you should make your coffee before he comes

Phil-why exactly mate 

XD-haven’t kept the coffee hidden from him just for him to find it now

Phil-is he banned from coffee or something

XD-nah to me he is just to young

Phil-(chuckles) if you say so want a cup

XD-no thanks i’m good i had a cup already

Phil-why would a being who doesn’t need sleep need coffee

XD-i may not need sleep but i need energy to deal with drista and nightmare

Phil-fair enough got any sugar

XD-oh let me grab it for you please put the rest of the coffee back

Phil-sure and thanks mate (puts coffee back and grabs the sugar from XD)

XD-sooo now what nightmare is coming soon so fair warning

Phil-got it but not really sure maybe tell me how you know me

XD-oh daydre’ talks about the -smp? Did i say that right anyway all the time

Phil-...yeah why wouldn’t you say it right and that’s nice 

XD-yeah but he mainly talks about you and techno 

Phil-huh i would’ve thought he would talk about george and sapnap more

XD-that’s daydre’ for you anything else

Phil-yeah what is your ho-

(nightmare teleports to phil and XD)

Phil-hey mate

Nightmare-hey phil- hey wait why does he get coffee

XD-night if we have this talk one more time i might as well just print it out

Nightmare-oh yeah just take a picture first lasts longer

Phil-uh mates you can’t print nor take pictures soo wanna explain

nightmare-shi-(sees XD’s glare) i mean sugar did you add sugar

XD-(sighs) don’t question it phil it’s our inside joke

Phil-suree i totally believe that

Nightmare-why does he always find the ones like-

XD-(covers nightmares mouth and glares at him)

Phil-uh mate can i get some context


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