𝟶𝟷 - 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚛

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I love nights like this... the two of us curled up on a picnic blanket, under the full moon, enjoying a moonlight picnic under the stars. I love everything about it... I love getting lost in the feel of her... fuck, I just love getting lost in her, in general.

"The night sky is just so... beautiful! There's no other way to describe it!" My darling girl exclaims, her beautiful jade green eyes shining with amazement.

I wrap my right arm around her waist and pull her closer to me, tucking her head under my chin, "So are you," kissing the top of her golden brunette head as she snuggles further into me.

She looks up at me with her green eyes and a loving smile that always make my breath hitch and my heart skip a beat. She placed her right hand on my left cheek before leaning in to press a butterfly kiss onto my right cheek, only for me to move the last possible second and make her slightly brush her bow-shaped lips against mine.

I deepen the kiss, making the moment last as long as I can with her. I grab her by her waist and pull her into my lap, making her straddle me. She twines her hands in my smokey lavender dyed beach waves as I run my hands up her sides and under her shirt.

We break apart, trying to regain our composure before I fuck her in the park. I give her a smile that's strictly reserved for her. No one else has ever  seen it besides her.

She doesn't smile back.

"Don't look at me like that, baby. Y'know we can't be like this for much longer," She sounds so small and broken... It's breaking my heart to see her like this. We both know this isn't exactly considered 'right' considering the fact that she's dating my twin brother's best fucking friend. But quite frankly, I could fucking care less. I've loved her so much longer and so much harder than he is. He claims he 'fell' in love with her... I call bull-fucking-shit. I 'flew' in love with her. He 'fell' from 3 feet, I 'flew' from the top of the goddamned Empire State Building.

I send a soft smile her way, tucking a lock of her hair behind her right ear before cupping her cheek and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead, telling her that I know and fuck him at the end of the day... She's mine, my everything... No matter what that egomaniac asshole of a gym addict and fuckboy thinks.

I know at the end of the day... He's not the one who she runs to... He's not the one she's spending her love on... It's me. It's always been me. And I also know that he's bound to show his true colors to her eventually. All he wants is her in his filthy bed... I've heard both stories from Jules and from him saying it himself. How she's so hot and how it physically hurts to not be able to fuck her. He doesn't even want a future with her! He doesn't look at her and see just how perfect she is! The thought of her even being anywhere close to home hasn't even crossed that nonexistent brain of his!

But of course, she has to play the part of the oh-so-perfect-and-doted girlfriend, attending all his damn games, sitting in those damned bleachers from 7 to at the latest 9 p.m. freezing her fucking balls off. Even though she'd rather be curled up with me in my bed, under my covers. But of course, I have to keep all of this under control and locked up around everyone... Including her, the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me.

I briefly check the time on my Apple Watch... it's fucking 2 a.m.

"I'd hate to kill the mood, lover, but I do have to get you home. Otherwise, your parents will kill me for keeping you up," I give her a reproachful look. She sighs.

"Well, if that's the case, then I suppose we better wrap up this adorable moonlight picnic on a beautiful Saturday night you worked so hard to plan," She sends me one of her smiles that are only for me before pulling me into another one of her kisses.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

Hours before...

My pain in my ass of a bi motherfucker of a little brother is laying on my bed like he owns the damn place... fucking bitch.

He's twirling around a lock of his pretty ass hair like he's the prettiest girl at the party, "So what the fuck are you packing for?"

I look down at him over my nose, "Fucking your best friend."

He looks so scandalized. It's fucking glorious



He narrows his pretty eyes into slits, "You better fucking not fuck her!"

"And what if I do?"

If looks could kill, I'd die of a horribly gruesome death, "You'll be 6 feet fucking under."

"Yeah yeah yeah. whatever, baby bro."

"I'm serious, Mae. Leave Daisy out of it."

"Fiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeee. I'll leave Cordelia out of my jokes."

He doesn't believe me.

I hold up my hand, "Pinky motherfucking promise, you whore."

He sits up, linking his pinky with mine.

A second later, we break apart.

"But that doesn't mean I won't leave Clary, Harls, Emmy, Sky, or Tae out of my jokes." 

If I thought he looked scandalized before, shit- He really scandalized now, "YOU BITCH!"

"Love you too, baby bro. Nah but seriously, I'm getting ready for a surprise date with Ally."

"Fucking simp."

"Oh fuck off."

"Love you too, big sis."

"Shut the fuck up, dickhead."

"You shut the fuck up. Go back to planning your icky date for Calypso."

I scoff, "Wooooooowwwwwwwww... Icky? Damn, baby bro. Homophobic much?"

He glares at me, "The fuck you mean homophobic? Bitch- I'm literally gay."

I glare at him, "Not as gay as me tho."

He flips me off, I laugh.

He grabs a pillow off my bed and throws it at me, "Oh shut up already and focus on your fucking date."

I dodge the pillow and laugh.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

10:00 pm...

Currently, I'm just chilling out on the corner of Lyric Avenue and St. George Street, waiting to see Calypso emerge from the shadows and step into the warm yellowish glow of the lampposts.

My phone lights up with a notification in my cup holder. I pick it up, seeing that my pretty girl texted.

ally <3: look up, lover <3

Sure enough, I obey. I look up just in time to see my beautiful girl stepping into the light.

I swear my heart skips a beat. She looks so fucking perfect... so fucking adorable in my shirt and her shorts.

I open my door to go over and kiss the shit out of her. She already knows what's going to happen... she stands there, open arms waiting for me to come to her and sweep her off my feet. I gladly take her up on that offer. I close the 10 feet that separates us, pulling her tight against me. She returns the tight embrace, burying her face in my neck. 

We pulled away after a minute. She looks up at me with so much love. Like I'm the only thing that gives her everything she could ever need and so much more... It melts my heart. I raise my right hand to cup her left cheek, pulling her into a soft, loving kiss. 

We break apart before we get too carried away and end up fucking on the curb.

I slide my hand into hers, entwining our fingers, as I lead her to my 2018 Mazda 3. I make a show of opening the passenger door for her, bowing like a gentleman, like the amazing undercover lover I am. 

She chuckles, "So chivalrous of you, love."

I kiss her hand and smirk, "Only for you, darling."

𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚣𝚎𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 &lt;𝟹𝟹Where stories live. Discover now