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"Are you ok, My lady? "

The man whose name was never revealed, asked her politely.

It doesn't seem he holds any Ill intention nor anything.

Evangel nodded and took the spoon from his hands and held it gently, feeding herself. The soup was a little bit cold but the taste was much better than the soup her chef made for her.

"Yes… Please don't mind me. "

Yes, don't attach yourself to me, you'll only get hurt. However, deep inside, she wants a friend she could talk to, a friend she could laugh with, and a friend she could treat as her family.

"... Unfortunately but no, I cannot do that after I saw you faint at the village's entrance. "

He shakes his head then gently smiles, it was directed to Evangel. How could he ever leave a woman in need alone?

"Please drink this after you finish eating, I'll just be doing my after outside. "

With that word, the man finally left the room and let Evangel eat in peace.

"Ah, by the way, my name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex. Bye bye~"

She was dumbfounded, she then laughed. She never met an interesting person like him. But soon after, her smile went down and turned into a bitter frown.

Just like that, I was enthralled that I barely noticed my pain?

Clutching her chest, she muttered to herself quietly: "But this is fine… "

Unlike that house who never acknowledges my existence. Here, he was welcomed with warmth and kindness.

"Why was I brought into a world with such misfortune? "

A day after, she could finally walk again despite limping. Her pale face became paler.

Evangel's blue eyes sparkled under the sun as he watched the man who helped her carry the lumberjacks with ease.

She didn't notice it, but that man has big physics, he is twice larger in size and weight compared to her. Besides that, he was quite good looking with his short obsidian hair and emerald eyes.

He'll probably get lots of children if he wants to…


Evangel suddenly slapped herself. Her cheeks were tainted with a dark shade of red. What was I thinking?!

Thankfully, they didn't hear the slapping noise.

Evangel was born with a sickly body, it was an unknown reason but her disease was incurable. So surely but slowly, her lifespan will be reduced to nothing before he even reached her birthday.

Nov 21.

Right, my birthday is already coming… I wonder if I could celebrate it?

"Hello~~? "

"Huh? "

"Are you alright? I was calling out to you but you never noticed me. "

"Ye-yeah… I was just thinking. "

Alex observed the frail lady in front of him, she wasn't lying but he knew something was bothering her.

"I see… If you have a problem, just call me, I'll do anything to help you. "

"Thanks… But, are you done? "

"Done in what? "

Alex asked, he tilted his head like a puppy and waited for Evangel's word.

"Your work? "

"Yes… we were just waiting for the cement to dry. "

Alex then smiled, and became serious again.

"Now that we are talking, I never got to know your name. "

"Oh! How rude of me, my name is Evangel Cl—"

"Cl? "

"No, just Evangel, but you can also call me Eva. "

"Ok, Eva~"

With a short conversation, the two became quiet and admired the falling leaves.

But Alex wasn't looking at the magnificent sight, he was looking at the angelic lady sitting at the chair.

There's nothing wrong with falling in love, right? All I could do was to love her and give her everything she wanted.

His heart then beats faster and his face twists magically. Is this how they fall in love?!

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