Chapter prologue: act 1 - Big mistake.

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Tommy was working on one of the hero's armor, it wasn't that damaged so he easily handled it while the other workers were fixing the others, they had tons of work while tommy only got one. Tommy was jealous of them, they got to fix many things, got to see how the armor was like, how it got damaged, how the wires looked from the inside and most importantly. What generation the tech was from. He was bored.. very bored.

Tommy only got to fix one armor because of lack of trust the other heroes had in him, he only blew up an tech armor once! It wasn't fair.. then tommy got an idea "What if I come with them with their next mission!" Tommy's eyes brightened, his pupils dilated as the shape turned into stars. He saw a group a heroes that where about to go to a villain attack and tommy sped to them.

"Hiiiiii" tommy smiled, "hi tommy!" Hero hell flame smiled back smiled back, "not you." Hero 404 muttered as he rubbed his eyes, "hi toms" hero Time traveler waved "hey.." hero smile said, "sup" Hero AntFrost smiled slightly, "I didn't expect to see you here" Hero Jshlatt said. "Oooh didn't expect to see you here too!" Tommy grinned


Name: Hell Flame

Real name: Sapnap halo

Power: Hell's flames

Power description: the user can generate fire no matter where. The fire cannot be extinguished easily, and the fire can burn for more than 4 hours.

Description: Him and tommy are friends but not that close, they hang out when Sapnap has the chance.


Name: 404

Real name: George Notfound

Power: Dreams and mushrooms

Power description:

Dreams: the user can enter people's dreams and mess it up, it can also control the dream to be a nightmare. When the power is trained well it has an advanced use. So when this power is activated and they touch someone, the person will go to deep sleep.

Mushrooms: the user can grow mushrooms anywhere, this power + a effect giving power can be very useful. Like if the user has both mushrooms and poison the mushroom can pump out gas that can poison anyone that smells it.

Description: him and tommy aren't close but tommy is known to admire him because of his powers, George found him loud so he doesn't really get close to him because he doesn't want his good rest to be... Gone.


Name: Time Traveler

Real name: Karl Jacobs

Power: Time travel

Power description: the user can travel to a different time but sometimes there can be problems.

Description: He and tommy are friends but when ever tommy wants to hang out with Karl, Karl always doing work so they had less bonding time.


Name: Smile

Real name: Dream Wastaken

Power: manipulation and strings

Power description:

Manipulation: the user can manipulate someone like brain washing them to do what the user wants. The user can also manipulate objects like if the user wanted the can of soda on the table, the soda will fly to the users hand. As overpowered as it seems it has downsides.

The heroes biggest mistake [] Vigilante TommyInnit Au []Where stories live. Discover now