Part 15

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Rocky:Hello Chase.
Chase:What the hell do you want?
Rocky:Why did you try to kill Sweetie.
Chase:Think about it if we kill her she'll never cause us any problems.
Marshall:That's not how the paw patrol works and you know that.
Chase:I will get out of here and Sweetie will die.
Marshall:There is no way you are getting out of here.
Rocky:I'm going to be with the other pups.
Chase:Tell Sweetie I say,hi.
Narrator:With the other pups.
Sweetie:Hey Rocky.
Rocky:Hey sweetie.
Zuma:You two awe so cute
Sweetie.So what did Chase have to say?
Rocky:Not much.
Sweetie:Ok,hey can I spend the night with you?
Narrator:In the pup house
Sweetie:I love you Rocky.
Rocky:I love you too Sweetie. I have a question though, why did you stop trying to steal the crown?
Sweetie:I've realised there's no real gain out of it. The "queen" will still be there when I need her I'll still have a place to stay food to eat and a good pup to keep me happy.
Narrator:Next morning.

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