Part 24

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Narrator:Later on the road.
Blaze:Thanks for letting me come home with you pups.
Ryder:You're very welcome Blaze.
Blaze:So what does the paw patrol do exactly?
Marshall:We protect or help or save the people of Adventure Bay and other areas.
Blaze:Oh ok, that's nice. What am I going to do when I get to Adventure Bay, become a stray or go to the pound what'll happen.
Ryder:We don't know as of right now, I think we'll figure it out later.
Narrator:Later in Adventure Bay.
Blaze:Wow this place is amazing, and is that the paw patrol tower?
Ryder:Yes it is the tower.
Blaze:it looks a lot bigger than I expected.
Marshall:How big were you expecting?
Blaze:Take about a quarter off of the tower, that's roughly what I expected.
Marshall:Mmh ok.
Ryder:I'm going to check on the guards and see if Chase is any better.
Marshall:All right, let me come with you.
Narrator:In the secret room of the paw patrol tower.
Guard 1:Hello sir.
Ryder:Hello, how are you on this fine day.
Guard 2:Not good sir, Chase has escaped.
Guard:Sir there's worse news.
Narrator:check out Royal Romance Part Two to find out what is going to happen.

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