Chapter 1

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Maya's POV
Today I'm going to my little sister Devin's softball game. Which I am very excited for really I am, but I'm also a little nervous to see my dad, Lane.
Lane was not the best dad, I mean he didn't hit me or anything he just pushed me really hard with track. I just hope he's not doing the same with Devin. I had Andy go with me today because Devin loves Andy and doesn't get to see her much, also partly because I can't deal with Lane on my own today.
We got there about 10 minutes before the game was going to start.
I got up to the bleachers looking for Lane I figured he was standing near the field probably yelling at Devin, but to my surprise he was no where to be found. Which was odd because Devin was there and he wouldn't dare miss one of my meets so I thought it was weird he would miss Devin's.
Before the game started I walked over to the dugout to find Devin laughing and talking with her teammates.
"Dev!" I called out.
She then moved her head to face me "Maya!" She yelled out excitedly and ran towards me.
Once she reached me we hugged I then pulled her over away from the dugout.
"Hey kid, I missed you." I said truthfully I did really miss her

"Missed you to" she said.

"So um.. where is dad at?" I asked but she looked a little nervous once I mentioned dad.

"Home probably, he doesn't really go to my games anymore." She said awkwardly.

"Really!? When I was a kid he would never miss a meet." I said
"Yeah well he doesn't really care about sports anymore." She said shrugging.
Ok now once she said that I knew something was off there is no way Lane bishop doesn't care about sports she's definitely lying about something, but before I could say anything she got called over for the game to start.
Devin's POV
Thank God the game started when it did. I knew I shouldn't have said that of course Lane cares about sports he's Lane, now Maya is going to think there's something else going on. But it's to late to worry about that I have to focus on the game. I can't make any mistakes.
Maya's POV
Devin just got called over for the game to start so I walked over to Andy.
"I think something is happening with her." I say while sitting next to Andy
"Why?" She asked confused
" because Lane isn't here, and I asked Devin why and she said 'he doesn't care about sports anymore' I mean it's Lane he wouldn't just drop sports like that!" I say nervously
"What do you think is happening then?" Andy asked me
"I don't know something just doesn't feel right" I say uneasy
Devin POV
Once the game was over we had to have a short team meeting, but after that I tried leaving as fast as possible I really didn't want Maya asking me more questions. Just as I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave Maya stopped me at the dugout entrance with Andy slightly behind her.
"Hey thanks for coming to my game" I say as Maya looks me up and down
Maya POV
The game ended a couple minutes ago I can can tell my sister is trying to leave quick but before she can leave I block the exit
"Hey thanks for coming to my game." She says but all I'm thinking about is how thin she looks compared to the last time I saw her
"no problem kid I love coming and watching you play, but before you leave can we talk?" I asked as she started to look uneasy
"Umm sure I guess" she say scratching the back of her neck
Devin's POV
Oh God Maya wants to talk I hope it's not about Lane.
"What's really going on with Lane?" She asks me sternly
"What do you mean?" I say with a slight chuckle trying to sound fine
"You know what I mean. Why was he not here for the game?" She asks making her question more clear
"I don't know" I saw shrugging my shoulders
"I love you Maya and it was great seeing you but I have to get home." I say trying to get Maya to move so I can leave
"Ok" she sighs
"I love you to see you soon." She says giving me a hug and then moving out of the way. Once I see her and Andy leave the parking lot I start my journey back to the old abandoned house I was squatting at with other kids.
That's why Lane doesn't go to my games, I was kicked out about a year ago when my dad found out I like girls. Honestly I didn't expect something different I knew it would happen I just thought I had a couple years before he found out not when I was 13. But it's not like I can do anything about that now.
Maya's POV
Me and Andy were in the car on our way home from Devin's softball game. I still felt uneasy about what she said
" do you think she lied" I asked Andy, breaking the silence.
"Huh?" She asked me dumb founded considering We were just in complete silence.
" Devin do you think she lied about Lane." I said being more clear about my question
"I don't know, I mean based on what you've told me about Lane this isn't like him so she could be lying, I just don't see why she would lie about it." Andy said
"I think she might be lying, I just don't know why." I said agreeing with my best friend. 
He y'all this is the first book I've ever written so if I made any mistakes let me know. Also the punctuation was probably trash bc I lowkey hate punctuation. I hope you liked the first chapter and hopefully I stay consistent on writing and get a new Chapter out soon. Also I'm writing this on my phone so if there is any spelling errors just comment about it and I will fix it. Hope you enjoy 😊

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