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Authors note Enjoy your hobbies and don't work yourselves to death,
Oh, does anyone know of a good proofreader that's free for android?

Realm “heaven”
the palace of the king

Elder god
We've destroyed the Colosseum of the fallen spirits we are awaiting orders.

King of gods
Everything is ready all that's left is the order to march upon the last bastion of resistance.
The strongest foe is awaiting me Rimuru Tempest.
He doesn't even consider me a threat to him, but he's unaware of my cheat sheet that I stole from a different multiverse.
His story in full detail all of his abilities Everything.

Elder god
My king Pardon me, but we're having trouble manipulating your pets we should send them out soon.

King of gods
Every army needs a vanguard they're perfect for the task stay close in case we need to put them down.

The 12 elder gods left for the final battlefield as the vanguard with several million angels 17 former humans who are the kings pets.

God of madness
Hello my king how's your new bodyguard doing, no madness.

King of gods
Of course he's doing well he's behind you.

The god turned around only to see a man with dead eyes staring at him
God of madness.
I see he's quite terrifying so will we be departing soon.

King of gods
Yes we will hmm One deal with the intruder.


Husband they've begun their journey here and the clone was destroyed by a unknown human called One.

Oh things are getting fun, I guess playing with Ainz and Makoto is over.

Yes and I recommend bringing back Azusa back to life in her original form and the two-headed version and give her kids back to gain some trust back.

Ok, ok bringing her back now using her hats memories to make sure she's precisely the way she was.
Hmm a bit disappointing we could plump up bits of her body.

Not a good idea your subordinates might ask for body modifications as rewards.

Yea let's not do that sorry Azusa but you're going to stay flat.
Anyway almost done just need the soul remove the extra personality that leached onto her soul and done
Now time to deal with ainz.

Hello Ainz I've come to visit

(That's the look my subordinates get after they do something they shouldn't have)
So Rimuru Tempest your people already finished questioning me was it not to your liking.

They did say something about it, but it wasn't necessary since I already knew the contents.
Anyways I've decided to release you well it wasn't like that I had plans for you apart from the alliance.
Which I promptly screwed up but no one died permanently.

Hmm (Demiurge with Aura Rimuru is a mixture of both them who knows his what he's thinking it was a horrible decision to ally with him, perhaps I'm not good at making allies)

So Rimuru what's your plan you play around with everyone not getting serious about the threat of the gods I suppose a creator like yourself can just recreate this world and your subordinates even if they die.

You are a confusing individual or are you several people in one body.

(Oh he's figuring things out what now honey)

(Shush he's still guessing)
That's not relevant right now is it after all there's around twenty million angels along with twelve elder gods plus irregularities so still concerned about me.

Yes absolutely, but it's best to return home for now am I free.

Yep you just need to wait until your pickup arrives which won't be long Makoto has been snooping around for ways to enter I left a few ways to get in, but he thinks they'll be traps he's not wrong there's a few.
(Hey ciel when will they arrive to pick up Ainz)?

Oh they've already dropped a few brainwashed people off dressed up as a trader caravan from a poor village might arrive in a couple of days.

Keeping secrets from me, shame on you.

Hmm that's your fault for getting distracted, you didn't ask until now husband.

Ok, ok but that's so slow there's a more efficient solution just dragging Makoto here I mean we are tracking him just need to grab him.

Yes my dear

(What's going on the sheer amount of magic has overwhelmed my passive skills is this)
(Fear it's been a long time since I've felt it unbelievable it isn't even directed at me)

A freshly awakened
Why am I being pulled on someone is trying to yank me from my dimension by force before.
Whoever it is surpasses my magic I must protect my land this person will rip a hole in the barrier I've made exposing my hidden world.
Damn it I'll open a way out to avoid a rip.

To Tempest

Oh he's not fighting back and here he comes .

Makoto comes tumbling out and launched an attack not even knowing who dragged him out of his world, it was blocked by Rimuru.

Settle down or this'll get nasty
Well if you want we can play a little
Let me heal you first.

No, thanks I had enough last time that was only a couple of days ago
So why'd you force me here.

Oh two reasons take Ainz and Azusa back with you and there's a large army approaching us it'll take quite a while before they arrive
That's all bye

Rimuru teleported away

Let's run before he comes back

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