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Bendy sat curled up in the corner of his cell for who knows how long. All he knew was that the same two gremlins who had captured him had brought seven meals, all which he ignored. He tried throwing the food at the gremlins, but was instantly shown that that was not allowed and would have great precautions; his side still hurt from where they shocked him the most...

The demon toon felt helpless and felt all hope leave his body when they brought another meal after a long time. Bendy knew that a long time had passed between the last meal and the one they just dumped, most likely as a way to get him to eat or say and do something. Whatever the case, the scared ink demon refused to give in, no matter how much his stomach begged him to eat.

This time round he ignored the food, leaving it untouched on the ground where it was deposited in the cell on the ground without a care. Just another reason not to eat it. The ground was super gross with dirt and muck and even had bugs crawling around. Bendy may eat bacon soup and some ink here and there, but he wasn't stupid. He knew how to make sure it was clean and wouldn't get him sick. His big brother taught him how after falling ill and had to stay in the dinky care room the creators would use.

Bendy didn't know how much time had passed after the gremlins finally left. Didn't know if it was hours or minutes, but when footsteps started to head his way, Bendy curled up even tighter in hopes of being smaller. He had only seen the rat- Mickey as he insisted- twice since he was locked up, and both occasions were terrible. Mickey would ask questions and accuse him of things that Bendy had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, and yet Mickey was insistent on him knowing and demanded he give him information on whatever he talked about.

However the more he listened in, he grew confused as there was two footsteps instead of one. The gremlins levitated around so they didn't make any noise when approaching which was super annoying, so all he could assume was that Mickey was coming with someone else. Maybe to push harder for answers and information he didn't have or remotely know what the rat would go off about?

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, Bendy began to hiss in warning. He may not be able to put up a fight with the chains and lack of strength, but that didn't mean he would sit still and let that rat walk over him and see he was breaking him.

Distracted by his thoughts and fears, Bendy didn't realize that Mickey and the other toon had arrived till they spoke up.

"What have they done to you..."

Okay so that definitely wasn't Mickey.

Instead of the mouse stood a rabbit with long ears and blue shorts. Next to him stood a cat with a pink skirt and a pink hat with a white flower protruding from it.

The cat spoke again as the rabbit dug around his pocket for something "we're going to get you out, alright? We won't let him hurt you anymore." Her voice was sickly sweet. Reminded Bendy of aunty Alice.

"Ah ha!" The rabbit exclaimed as he finally found what he was looking for. Upon looking further Bendy realized it was the key to the door. The rabbit struggled for a moment with the lock till it finally clicked, and once it was finally unlocked he quickly unlocked the door and the two slowly approached Bendy.

Once again it was the cat who spoke up "hello dear. My name is Ortensia, and this is my hunny bunny Oswald" the rabbit, now identified as Oswald, blushed at the pet name with a wonky smile "we're here to get you out and away from here. Just till we deal with Mickey and then you can come back" Bendy hissed again at the mention of being brought back to this prison. "Not here here! But up there with us where you will be safe and treated how you should have been from the beginning." It was Oswald who finally talked as he slowly lowered himself to be on Bendys' level, even going as far as sitting. He reached his hand out to his wife and carefully lowered her down onto his lap to keep the dirt and grime off of her.

Oswald sighed "I don't know what is going on in my brothers head to make him do this to you, but I will not let this stand nor slide. This is our home and he did this without alerting me or asking. He went against our backs and did something so cruel" he looked down in shame as Ortensia spoke up "only reason we can think of as to why he would ever do this, is because of a incident a few years ago" Bendy tilted his head as he watched the couple comfort each other and shared information to him "a few years ago, there was an invasion of ink monsters that destroyed our kingdom. They hurt our friends and family and did awe full things... there was nothing we could do till Mickey came around." Oswald explained, and that was all Bendy needed to know.

It must have been some other kind of ink monster, as the ones in his home stayed there and could never take over a kingdom. They weren't that smart or powerful to do so.

"I... I think I get it and see why... but that's still not a reason to hurt me! To lock me away and hurt me over and over! To treat me like I'm a monster!" He already had issues with accepting himself after the incident with his creator and how things ended, and this wasn't helping in the slightest.

Oswald pulled his wife closer to him as he frantically tried to ease the situation back down and calm and show Bendy they truly meant no harm. "No no! We fully agree on that! We just wanted to let you know our thoughts as to maybe why he did this. We're not saying we agree! Far from it! We just..." he sighed. Man this guy sighs a lot... Bendy thought as the rabbit scrambled for words. Ortensia rubbed his head "what's your name?" She asked softly. There was no reason to hide that information, but Bendy still felt compelled to hide it.

She must have picked up on his unease and smiled softly "it's alright if you don't want to share. Mickey must have tried to use it against you in some way, so I understand. That's for you to share when you are ready" Oswald slowly helped her up and the two males in the cell watched closely as she approached him. For some reason Bendy let her get very close to him, didn't even say a word as she sat down right next to him and pressed her back against the wall. "Do you know how long you've been down here?" Oswald asked as he made his way to the opposite side of him.

Bendy tried looking away but found it difficult to as he would have to look at Ortensia to avoid his gaze as looking straight forward would be awkward and looking down made him feel vulnerable. After debating with himself, he chose to look at his boots "dunno..." he muttered "don' like it. Wanna go home..."

Oswald hesitantly reached his hand out, and when Bendy didn't move away or show any discomfort, the rabbit slowly put his hand on his shoulder "we'll get you home bu-"

"Bendy. Names Bendy."

"Alright. Bendy, we will get you out of this place and back home." Bendy looked up at him with his chin tucked "how can I trust you. How can I know you'll actually take me back home." Ortensia spoke up softly "you can't truly know. You'll just have to trust in us to get you home."

"You just need to believe."

Bendys eyes widened.

Created: 11/21/22
Comment: there really isn't a layout for this story. Just had an idea for a beginning and end and no plan for in between.

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