10 1 0

Ink didn't like this. One day would be acceptable, three okay, but eight days with no one knowing where Bendy is is a problem. A big one.

After having a "temper tantrum", as Alice and Boris complained, he quickly got to work. Called the residents and monsters in the hell forsaken studio and sent a manhunt for his nuisance of a brother after running circles and repeated interrogations. Especially with the one who saw the toon last.

Alice had taken to searching floors 7-9, Boris had taken the main floor and the others that Alice refused to take, the Projectionist took to searching their floor and the one above, and even without being told or really know what everyone was doing or in search of, Sammy ran around as well. The monsters covered the lower levels but were not of much help as they kept thinking the Bendy cutouts were actually him.

You'd think after so many years of Bendy playing games and tricks using the cutouts as decoys, they'd learn that it's not him.

As for the troubled beast, Ink took it upon himself to search every god forsaken level of the studio. It was tedious and unnecessary for him to cover the whole studio and more when he had his "family", as Bendy called them, all working and doing the same thing he was. But to Ink, if he didn't turn all the cogs and wheels or pull every lever, the search for his little brother was incomplete. A joke. A game.

What made the search worse was every time Ink saw The Projectionist, he would launch himself at the monster and would fight till he knew he won. The demon hated the monstrosity of a being. They were the one to see Bendy last,

So no. Ink didn't like this. Not one bit.

Created: 7/10/23
Comment: in all honesty I had this made and written MONTHS ago, but wasn't sure if it was ready or not. But I'm going through things and just saying to hell with it all and just throwing it all out there.


Thank you so much for all of the support on this. Honestly it surprised me, how much support and encouragement I received after posting if I should scrap this crap.

I thank you all for it and I will keep going!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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