Chapter 1: Getting the characters

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In Liyue, tranquility reigns, a testament to the serenity that envelopes its citizens' everyday lives. The gentle hum of peace is momentarily disrupted by the infectious laughter of Venti, the mischievous wind deity.

"HAHAHA! Unbelievable! You're Preggnant! A wordplay as layered as the skies, get it, blockhead? PrEGGnant!" His jest sends ripples through the calm, drawing curious glances.

With a tone of mild exasperation, Zhongli, the stoic and retired Geo Archon, retorts, "Your humor remains unchanged, and so does your volume. Perhaps, Venti, a modicum of restraint? The eyes of Liyue are upon us."

Brushing away tears of mirth, Venti manages to compose himself, albeit briefly. "Alright, alright. I shall anchor myself in solemnity. You have my word, my friend."

Zhongli acknowledges this with a weary sigh, a silent prayer for a moment's reprieve.

Undeterred, Venti ventures again, teetering on the brink of another jest about Zhongli's unexpected news and his relationship with a certain Harbinger. Yet, before the words can fully take flight, Zhongli's hand swiftly ensures they remain unspoken, a blush betraying his usually impassive demeanor.

"Yes, as I've mentioned, we are united in matrimony," Zhongli concedes, lifting his hand from Venti's mouth, a soft but firm reminder of their reality.

Venti, undismayed by the interruption, dives into another revelation with the eagerness of a child uncovering a hidden truth. "So, it was through the symbolic gift of dragon Phoenix chopsticks—a detail lost on him until your later explanation, which left him utterly astounded, to the point of fainting?"

With another sigh, this time laced with a hint of fondness, Zhongli confirms, "Indeed, that is how it unfolded."

Venti's eyes sparkle with genuine affection. "But jests aside, my dear friend, my heart swells with joy for you both."

"Thank you, Barbatos," Zhongli responds, a soft smile gracing his lips, a rare glimmer of warmth breaking through his composed exterior.

Their exchange, brimming with shared histories and unspoken understandings, is abruptly embraced by a brilliant light, hinting at the beginning of yet another chapter in their eternal saga.

In the vicinity of Wangshu Inn, chaos unfurls with the fervor of a storm. "Get back here, you infuriating Ginger!" The air crackles with tension, words hurled with the might of arrows. "Just because I professed a desire to spar, doesn't entail a readiness to meet my demise!" The chase crescendos, a cacophony of threats and bewildered protests. "I'LL KILL YOU!" "For what sin?!" Their dispute, a vivid tableau of emotion, is abruptly cloaked in an enveloping light, whisking them away to realms unknown.

At the bustling harbor, where the sea whispers tales of distant lands, Ningguang stands with the poise of one who commands the wind and the waves. The arrival of the Alcor, the pride of the Crux fleet, slices through the monotony of the day. Dockworkers and sailors blend into a symphony of motion, unloading treasures unknown, as the Tianquan awaits a reunion long in the making.

Her gaze locks onto the distinctive figure of Beidou, the captain with an eye patch, emblematic of adventures untold. Accompanying her is a youth, his hair a cascade of gold interrupted by a streak of rebellion. As they approach, Ningguang's embrace engulfs them, a testament to the bonds that tether their souls.

"Hey Ning," Beidou's voice, imbued with the salt and swagger of the sea, greets her.

"Hello mother," the youth chimes in, his lineage unmistakable.

The reunion is a tapestry of emotions, woven with the threads of missed moments and shared smiles. "How was Inazuma? Spare no detail."

The youth's excitement bubbles over. "It was incredible! I found myself amidst a war. And Kazuha—against the Shogun herself, he stood!"

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