Group One

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The boy slammed his locker shut and looked back in distaste as the girl marched to his being

Yet, another was in tow behind her

He narrowed his eyes at him. Why was he here and why with her..

(Y/n) stopped in front of him, happy that he was even looking at her "You wanna go back to the shops today?" She nudged her hand back to the person that stood next to her "I invited Kazutora to come with us"

Hanemiya Kazutora

In Kisaki's brain, he was trying to figure out what the fuck this Man was doing. They had bigger things to focus on, this was not one of them!

Kiskai slipped his last shoe on and turned away "I have things to do.."

"Boo, you said that last time"

"And I was still dragged against my will. I have a right to say 'No'"

The girl crossed her arms and pursed her lips "Mannn...Why not! It'll be fun, we can go look at the Puppies and go to the water fountain, maybe we can go to the Pier!"

Kisaki sighed and shook his head "Do you not have class to go to, homework to do"

(Y/n) only shrugged with a bright smile "I'm the Star Student, practically. I'm also an ass kisser, everyone loves me. I.E..." She looked ahead as she walked along with him "I could do anything I want"

Kisaki lift a brow at this. Anything..

This School is that run down? So much so that they let a child overrun them. How sad

"C'mon. Why not?"

He looked to his left as Kazutora smiled down at him "Like she said, we'll have fun"

Kisaki still just stared and blinked. This Man wasn't even trying in the slightest to make conversation

This made the two look at each other for confirmation

And with a nod, the two curled arms under Kisaki's limbs and began pulling him away!

And it just made him sigh and deal with it

He expected this to happen


"Slut! Me out!"

"Slut-Ay!-Me out!"


Kisaki sat in the back seat while the other two sang with bright smiles as the girl drove to a red light and stopped

Once again, here he was, in this red car, to a new adventure...


He sucked in some breath and then looked back to the window of the car. He was now settling that peace and quiet just can't exist anymore

But, now that they were doing their own thing, he had some time to think

And he wanted to think about the idiot in the Passenger seat


What in the fuck was he doing. This isn't part of the damn plan! She isn't even in it. They were supposed to be focusing on Mikey and Baji, not goofing off with a random!

And since when did he meet her? Did she know Kazutora before she met him?

"Kisaki, you're bein' quiet back there"

The blonde scoffed and crossed his arms "I'm here against my will. Of course I am"

(Y/n) smiled and then looked back forward as they began to pull into a parking spot "Blah-Blah-Blah. You're always in a mood"

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