Chapter 4- Trouble

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"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always."

-Mahatma Gandhi

I heard Gretel finish speaking, but I was a bit tired after the turmoil of emotions. I looked at the clock beside the door. 2:55 p.m. Time had flown bye. Even though I had just woken up a couple of hours ago, I felt tired and drained.

I didn't have the will power to look at Dmitri after what he had said. Without even knowing it, he called me a whore. Wow, what a bodyguard I have. Not.

"Royalty, I-I didn't know. I-I..."

"Just stop, Dmitri. Just stop. You said what you thought. Just please keep quiet. I need to rest."

"I'll take you upstairs. Liam, can you take Gretel?" Jax asked him.

"Sure," Liam replied.

Jax carried me bridal style to my room while I laid my head in his chest. I had tried many things to forget that moment, but it seemed like it always popped back to my mind when someone mentioned him. Gretel and I had gone into a terrible depression after his death. I had cried the whole time during his funeral, and myself to sleep.

A couple weeks after the funeral, Gretel came in my room and slept on my couch when I wasn't noticing. A couple days after that she, she hugged me when she noticed I wasn't getting any better—just worse. We slowly cured ourselves. However, there will forever be a small hollow place for him in our hearts. And no one will be able to take his place.

"Are you okay, Royalty?" Jax asked after setting me down on the bed.

"Yes, I'm fine. You can leave now." I knew that I was being harsh, but I needed time to think.

Once he closed the door, I looked around at my room. I saw a folder on the corner of my desk with some keys. The folder was red with blue stripes. I picked it up and began to look at the paper's inside.

It had different maps. One of the them was for the new boarding school I was going to attend. Blakewood Boarding School. So I guess this was in case I was found or something like that. Looking at the map, I saw that their were different tunnels, and some were blocked. Others, you had to use a key, or were some type of secret passages.

Awesome! I hope that on my first day I will be able to look through some of them so I know what I'm getting myself into. Like my father once said when I was younger. "Know the territory and figure out a strategy before calling war on unknown lands." My father is King of a country, what do you expect from him?

I looked at the other maps. It looked like I had a map of the whole city. So that's going to be a lot of traveling.

I kept looking through the rest of the files and found a note for me.

Royalty, all of you will be attending the boarding school this Monday. Whatever you do, do not, I repeat, do not get in trouble on your first day. I don't want to get a call about your behavior in the middle of the night. If you plan on getting in trouble, then make it big and make it worth it. Better to steal a million dollars than one hundred. Either way, you'll go to prison. But don't try and steal anything, your rich, just buy it. Well back to what I was writing to you about. Go to the garage. Their is a surprise for you.
Speak to you soon,
Your father

I put the folder away with the maps inside and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I was looking for everyone, but I guess they were somewhere else. I jogged to the garage and put in the combination.

I squealed so hard that it echoed around the room! I'm so freaking happy! He got me all the cars that I wanted. Some were Lamborghini's while one was a Ferrari. There were two of them that I wasn't sure. While I was doing my happy dance, I didn't notice the guys and Gretel walking into the room until I heard them say wow's, amazing, and more squeals.

"No wonder, you're so happy," Jax says looking at all the cars in the garage in awe.

"Yea, well what do you expect. Even some of the guys squealed and their guys. So you liking my cars?"

"Heck yea," Liam says about to touch one of the Lamborghini's, but even Gretel was smart enough and slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch the car," she says.

"So who wants to take them to school this Monday?" I ask and immediately I hear everyone say me.

"First we have to go shopping for more clothes so we have to take the cars. However, we will not take all of them. We will take the black Lamborghini and the white one. We will take the rest to school. Okay?"

"Sure," they all replied. We all got in the two cars and zoomed through the streets to the mall.

     We had just gotten to the mall when we started to separate into groups. Jax came with Gretel and I while the other guys split up into two groups.

     Both Gretel and I practically skipped to Forever 21. Later we went to JCP, Sears, Hollister, Aeropostale, etc. We had bought skirts, shorts, skinny jeans, and tops. Apparently the first week we could wear whatever we wanted because we had to get measured for uniforms, and it would take around a week or two to get them shipped to us.

      Jax had been carrying all of our bags until he said that he wanted to get some new shoes. We entered a shoe store, and Gretel and I went to the other side of the store. Jax literally dropped the bags and ran to this new pair of Nike shoes that came out.

     "Careful! You're going to damage our clothes," I told him from across the room.

     "Do you think that we will be safe here in the U.S.?" Gretel asked looking at a pair of converse.

     "I don't know, Gretel. We were supposed to be safe in the kingdom, but everyone was taken out. We barely made it out last time. Hopefully we will be safe at the boarding school."

     "Me too," she responded.

      "What do you think father sent us?" I asked her.

      "Cars?" She asked questionably. I chuckled at her response.

      "No, he got us maps of the whole school!"
I exclaimed.

     "You and your maps," she mumbled. "So what else do you think we need?"

     "Maybe some accessories? We could go to Charming Charlie and Claire's," I responded thinking of other stores. "Do you think that we need to go to Sephora?"

     "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Gretel said jumping around clapping her hands.

     "Okay, calm down, we don't want to grab everyone's attention."

     Once we were done shopping, we went to Starbucks and got some drinks. We then walked to Subway and I ordered a BLT while Jax ordered a Philly Steak and Gretel ordered a ham sub.

     We were about to eat when I looked out the window and saw the guys coming out of the Mexican restaurant.

     It looked like they were running, but it was probably my imagination. I just shrugged my shoulders and began to eat. Or that was until, they crashed into the window electrocuted.

     "Ahhh!" I got up—Gretel and Jax following suit—grabbed the bags and ran out to see a mall officer say:

     "You are all under arrest."

     "Well this couldn't get any better."

     And that's how we all ended in mall jail.

     Oh yea, this could get better.

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