Chpater 8- Mapping

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Royalty POV:

Once I got out of the cafeteria I walked—or more like ran—to the other side of the building, being careful to not drop my food. I sat down on the floor and ate silently while looking through the windows. I grabbed my water bottle out of my backpack and drank some before throwing my garbage in the trash. I ran to the girls bathroom and set my backpack down, washed my hands, and then searched for my tablet. I hacked into the schools system and looked for a map of the school since I forgot mine at home. Once I found it, I ran to the stairs which was directly beside me. I looked at the map and figured since this building was created during the 1700s that there would have to be secret passages to explore.

I sprinted down the stairs and straight to the basement door. I tried to open it, but it had a finger print scanner. I got out my blush and a jabbed it a bit before putting my now plastic gloved hand on the scanner. It made a few beeps before opening and the light turned green. I looked around for any sign of a person before entering the basement. In fact this really didn't look like a basement at all. It was just one big hall filled with cables, papers, and shelves.

I looked at the screen on my tablet and found that this was indeed the basement. Well, what the heck. I started to touch around or look for any openings before I noticed that I didn't find anything. I leaned on the wall but before I knew it, I was falling backwards.

The impact took my breath away, so I just lay there for a moment. I got up once again and looked around and saw spider webs and many different hallways. I looked at the tablet to see that their was not a blueprint for this part.

Maybe they never found it. Ha yeah right. Because they would like to spend all their bloody time looking for something they probably didn't even know about.

I opened an app on the table about architecture and blueprints. I started to map where I was and took pictures from here and there. I knew it was time to go back before Gretel started to get really worried. I made my way back. Walking as slowly as possible not wanting to encounter the group—or more like Dmitri.

Gretel's POV:

We (being Rose and I) kept looking for Royalty for another half an hour when we became exhausted and sat on a bench beside the library.

"So, why did Dmitri get so mad when you introduced me to the group?" Rose wondered.

I looked up and down the hallways before taking in a shaky breath. "It's a long story," I said my eyes having a faraway look to them.

"We have time," Rose insisted, "if it's not much bother."

"Okay but first I will tell you a story. My mother read to both Cleo and I when we were smaller." I told her grabbing a book from my backpack. "She told us about the responsibility and great honor that would await us when we grew older. However, she never told us the horror and despair that would follow close behind."

Rose nodded her heard, but a look of confusion spread through her face. "Do you know what great honor she was talking about?" the girl questioned.

"What I tell you, you cannot tell another living soul. Deal?" I asked her looking her straight in the eye with my hand outstretched.

"Deal," she responded.

I looked down at the hard cover book with a beautiful design in the front and a crown at the back with the royal symbol on one of the corners.

"My mother," I paused, " she was a writer. She wrote our family history just like every generation in our family." I said looking up at her before looking back down and flipping to the first page.

"Once upon a time, there were three beautiful girls. All born in the royal family. They were granted what they wished, fore they were richer than most people born in royalty. They were..."

If you would like me to write what the books said, you can send me a comment or something so I will write it. Until later.
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