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"WAIT! NO! MISTRESS PLEASE!" I heard Hyuk's voice scream from down the hall as multiple footsteps came closer.
"Please mistress don't." I sat up and saw the soles of Ken's feet as he talked pleading. The must be talking to the same girl I saw with Ken yesterday. Quickly I got out of bed my feet touching the cold cement.
"Shut up!" I heard a loud slap and saw Ken's feet shuffle violently out of the doorway. The door slammed open and a girl in a black dress stood in the doorway, the guys crowed around behind her. Ken's cheek was bright red and had bloody scratches from sharp nails. "You, EXO. You think you can just walk into VooDoo territory?" She asked talking slow step to me. My took steps back until my hands felt the cold wall behind me.
"Who are you?" I asked tensing up clenching my fists.
"No-" Her hand clasped around my throat quickly and my hands grabbed at hers as I chocked. " Who are you EXO!" She screamed in my face I really hated using this but I had to. She pulled her hand away quickly and gasped at the blood before growling deep in her throat. The boys looked at me with surprise. I looked down in the palm of my stinging hand. A blade made of iron from my blood jetted out of my hand covered in not only my blood but also her blood. I watched as the blade retreated. I looked back up at her and she had a scowl.
"Mavi!" Hyuk ran in past her and took my hand carefully. "What was that!? Are you ok?" He asked worried. I had not time to speak.
"So my dolls have taken a kind liking to you?" She spoke to herself wiping the blood onto her dress.
"Not my fault." I said standing tall with Hyuk at my side. She looked back up at me and growled again before snapping her fingers. My wrists and ankles grew heavy and I felt a tight cloth between my teeth and eye blind. She had completely restrained me and I dropped to my knees.
"Mistress, please." I heard Hyuk plead. I heard another slap.
"Living room. Now." That followed another snap and she said Leo's name. I heard the shuffle of multiple feet leaving, and one coming closer. I feet hands grab the shackles on my wrists and drag me. I screamed in pain while the girl laughed. Suddenly I was tossed onto the floor and my blind food was torn off a few minutes after. I looked around and saw that I was sitting in the room with the cages but the couches were gone and a the single table and chair remined. The table had six tan dolls and a bunch of metal devices. I think I'm finally starting to understand VooDoo...
The woman tore the rag in my mouth off and then put my hands behind my back, behind the chair. I growled at her deep in my throat. My growl was caught when I saw Ravi in the cage covered in my equations. His hands were pressed against the glass and his eyes looked deep at me.
"What the hell are you running here!" I screamed. She only smiled and turned to Hyuk.
"Only playing around." Then it hit me. Playing around, that's what Ken said when he had that gash on his shoulder.

"Your insane." I struggled in my seat.
"Am I. Hyukie, am I insane?" She said playfully setting her hand on the lattice metal fence. He quickly pulled himself to her and kissed her hand.
"Of course not Mistress." He rubbed his cheek on her hand before she pulled away and he whined. She picked up the doll and a spiked stick before walking to Ken in the one cage that had blood splatters on the back glass wall. Must have been from his shoulder.
"Ken, since you told this beast to come here, well. You know." She jabbed the dolls stomach and Ken screamed at the top of his lungs folding over gripping his stomach.
"Stop it!!!" I screamed. She laughed and dropped the doll on the floor. All of the boys dropped and sighed while Ken groanded. She went to Leo's cage and touched it face through the metal. He leaned his cheek into her hand. Leo growled.
"My good little beast." She pulled away and walked to N. He pressed his forehead against hers as she came to him. She rested her lips on his for a few minutes and when she pulled away he dropped to his knees fulfilled. As she made her way to me she glided her hand along the glass encasing Hongbin. His hand followed hers.
She reached me and immediately shoved the spike in my shoulder. I screamed in pain as blood ozzed from me. Though no one said a word...
"Hmm.." She fiddled with a few instruments on the table. "I think you need some new bling hm?" Almost instantly she grabbed my face and pulled on my lower lip before shoving a ring through it. No needle or anything. She did it twice giving me shake bites. I screamed again through the blood gathering in my throat. She giggled and picked up a razor blade. "Lets give you a nice tattoo." She dipped the whole razor in ink before grabbing my hair and jerking my head to show my neck.
She ran the razor blade against my neck and I screamed, cried, and struggled. Between each cut she dipped the blade back in the black ink. She pulled away and looked at her work. Blood just poured from my neck and started to drench me.
"Good enough." She wiped the blade clean before getting it close to my face. "How about a smile to put on that beautiful face and ruin it." I was starting to lose my conscious as my vision blurred and darked. My energy was at its lowest and I could no longer cry. I could no longer scream. I could no longer stay awake. I felt the warmth of my blood flowing out of the corner of my mouth and reaching out.
"MAVI!!!" I heard a familiar comforting voice, actually two but I wasn't able to see them... because... finally, I just blacked out.

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