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   The year of 1978 couldn't come fast enough

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The year of 1978 couldn't come fast enough. Nando Weller had been up, past midnight until the morning when finally he caught a glimpse of the new year.

Sitting directly atop a phone bill sealed in its intimidating envelope, a letter, showing only a single name scrawled in beautiful handwriting across the front; 'Nando' was grabbing his attention as he bounced down the stairs and into the small hallway.

Ignoring the other one, he snatched up his letter and was ripping it open like he did to all of his Christmas presents merely a week before.

Inside, it read;


Sorry it's been a while, I wasn't able to find any time to write since I arrived on Christmas Eve.

I miss you, a lot. Things are so dull here and scary if I'm being completely honest. Mother has only spoken of the Dark Lord and how 'well' I shall do under his reign. It's ridiculous that she even thinks a sixteen year old is supposed to help such a powerful wizard, I'm really not that good at much.

   Without Sirius it feels even worse than it usually is. He looked after me, not like you do but it was something at least. I felt safe, in a way. Andy is gone, she's marrying Ted Tonks, do you remember him? Quite a nice guy actually I approve even if I shouldn't. Bellatrix is a psycho bitch as usual and Narcissa is just a boring lump, she doesn't even try to talk to me anymore so most dinners I just sit in silence stuffing my face. Kind of like you do when we sneak into the kitchens and just look at each other rather than talk.

   I miss that, being with you. Sometimes I dream you're here you know? Sounds extremely stupid saying something like that but I know you won't judge, you're Nando, the least judgemental person I've ever met, well in my case anyway. As I was saying the dreams, they don't happen every night but when they do I feel so good in them, you're hugging me on the couch (our favourite one in the hufflepuff common room) and kissing me all over. Merlin I feel like I'm writing a romance novel here but it's true and I never keep anything from you.

   You really won't judge right? Of course you won't I'm being stupid.. I'm tired, ready for bed as I write this so expect none of it to make sense.

   Just hold me when we're back together yeah? Please. I need it, need you. Those dreams are so perfect Nando, you're so good to me, doing things that I hardly even understand! Speaking of, there's a friend of Bellatrix's, Roman? I think, he was over for dinner last night, Hogmanay and all that and I seen the most bizarre thing when I was heading to bed. Another boy, in fact I say that he must've been older than this Roman character and they were touching each other.. not in the way we do however and it caught me by surprise if I'm honest.

   They made a lot of noise, loud ones, I was surprised no one else could hear them but it reminded me a lot of these dreams I've been having. I'm not a complete prude, I know what sexual intercourse is and all that but I never realised it could be enjoyable? It's for having babies is it not? Please explain this to me Nando I'm having a full on crisis here wondering if I've gone mad.

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