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COME UNDONE     regulus black

COME UNDONE     regulus black

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act one part three

September was coming to a close when Regulus Black skipped Astronomy for the first time in his life.

Running through the empty corridors, fearing he would be caught, his legs carried him to the opposite end of Hogwarts where he was hoping Nando would be waiting for him.

And of course he was.

"Reggie, hiya love."

Looking up from his shirt as he tucked it into his trousers, Nando grinned when instead of replying straight away, Regulus just pulled him into a hug — wrapping his arms tightly around his waist and murmuring into his shoulder, "Hi."

Unable to break from Reggie's grip, Nando continued to hold him for a while before speaking up, "Why are we here then Reg? Just wanted time with your favourite person?"

"Pretty much.. but no, I was hoping we could go swimming?"

Lifting his head so he could look him in the eye, Regulus took Nando's face in his bony hands and gave him that soft smile his boy loved so very much.

"In the lake?! Reggie it's nearly October!" Nando blurted out.

"In the prefects bathroom silly.." Regulus replied, trailing off sweetly as his hands landed on Nando's hips, giving them a tight squeeze and pressing his against them in a flush position.

They found themselves in pure bliss — sneaking into the prefects bathroom after using the password he heard from a prefect in Hufflepuff — shedding their clothes and jumping into the deep bath that seemed more like a large hot tub with their hands intertwined.

Paddling over to the large window where his boy rest his arm against the side, Nando slipped in behind Regulus, securing his arms around his waist and dropping his chin onto the boy's shoulder. "It's so warm in here, I like the bubbles." "Me too." He replied, scooping up some of the fluffy bubbles and dropping them atop Reg's bouncy dark curls.

"How do I look?" "So so handsome Reggie. The most beautiful boy I've ever seen."

With a giddy smile, Regulus spun around in the water and caught Nando off guard when he sprung onto him and wrapped his legs around his waist. Holding him up in an instant, Nando had Reg's skinny butt in his hands as he moved backwards through the water, keeping them both submerged so they wouldn't get cold.

"You're so warm." Reg whispered, pressing his lips to Nando's shoulder as he replied, "That's the water Reg."

Now despite the soft chuckle that left his throat, Nando couldn't disagree with the boy as his lips dotted a few gentle kisses along the taut skin of Regulus' neck. Beads of sweat had formed over his forehead and dripped down his face, landing in the water with a silent splash.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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