Kiss me

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Y/N was sitting in the car next to Hoseok. They've been driving for almost an hour now and Y/N had no idea how long they were gonna be driving until they reached their destination. Hoseok wouldn't tell her where he wanted to take her.

After he had asked her out, Hoseok had taken Y/N to a club. Not one like the club she was working at. It wasn't full of drunk people partying. It was actually filled with older people. Y/N had to held back her laughter when Hoseok proudly led her inside.

The place was a huge bar that turned into a dance floor with live music every other Saturday night. And the music was all music from the 50's and 60's. That wasn't at all what Y/N had expected from her first date with Hoseok, but she loved every second of it.

They have spent the whole night dancing and laughing and just having a great time. With the help of some of the elderly couples, Hoseok and Y/N were actually able to do quite a few boogie-woogie routines now.

After Hoseok had taken her home, he told Y/N how much he enjoyed the time they spent together and that he'd love to take her out again. And who was Y/N to say no to that?

For their second date Hoseok took her to a restaurant. It was nice, but not too fancy. Not something Y/N wouldn't have been able to afford.

She didn't know if Hoseok had thought about it and if it was intentional or just coincidence, but Y/N was relieved it wasn't a restaurant only someone as rich as Hoseok would be able to afford. Even though she knew Hoseok would want to pay anyway, she felt a lot more comfortable during their date knowing that he didn't have to pay.

It was a different atmosphere, but Y/N was having a great time just like on their first date.

And now here Y/N was, sitting in the same car as Hoseok, not knowing where they were going for their third date. Although she kind of had an idea already. Hoseok had asked her to pack some swimsuit, which only left a few places for them to go.

They weren't talking about anything. There was a comfortable silence between them with only the soft voice coming from the radio filling the car. Y/N smiled to herself and closed her eyes, feeling as content as ever.

"Here we are." Hoseok said, after they walked for about five minutes from where he had parked the car. He took Y/N's hand and pulled her after him.

Y/N's smile grew bigger as her eyes watched over the endless blue ocean in front of her. The rushing sound of the small waves hitting her ears and the salty smell of seaweeds hitting her nose immediately warmed her heart.

When had been the last time Y/N went to the beach?

Being super excited, Y/N clung to Hoseok's arm and her steps turned into tiny jumps. She felt like a little child. Her eyes were shining brightly and her lips had curved into a huge smile. The only thing missing was for Y/N to start giggling excitedly.

Hoseok noticed and couldn't hide his own smile.

"Looks like I chose the right place?" he asked, feeling very happy already knowing Y/N's answer would be yes.

"Absolutely!" she nodded.

"I remembered you told me you love water." Hoseok said while looking for free beach loungers.

Y/N did love water. Water was her element and she could spend all day swimming or doing any other kind of water sports.

Her father had thrown her into the pool to learn how to swim the moment she was able to walk three steps on her own and Y/N was very grateful for that. He made sure she wouldn't fear water and instead showed her the beauty of it and all the ways to use it to live life to the fullest.

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