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"Oh my god, what are you doing?!" Y/N laughed as her body was being pressed against Hoseok's.

"I'm dancing." He answered cheerfully while holding Y/N as close as possible and gently swinging their bodies from one side to another.

"You're annoying me." She complained, but put her arms around his body as well, letting him do as he pleased.

Hoseok didn't say anything to that and just kept dancing with her, slow and close and absolutely not to the beat from the song that was playing. The music didn't really matter anymore anyways. They were just peacefully dancing to the rhythm in their hearts.

Y/N had long closed her eyes when Hoseok moved his head into the crook of her neck and placed soft kisses on it. With a smile on her face she inhaled deeply, taking in his scent that had started to have a comforting effect on her.

It hadn't taken long for Y/N to learn that even after they had been dancing for hours and even when Hoseok was sweating, he was never smelly. She wasn't sure if he actually wasn't or if her brain just told her he wasn't because of everything her heart was telling her when it came to Hoseok.

Was that a thing though? Could feelings really manipulate senses? Y/N had never believed in that kind of stuff. So she had just decided that it had nothing to do with any feelings and everything with Jung Hoseok just not being able to smell bad, no matter what.

His hands were still on her hips. Hers were stroking through his hair as his lips moved from her neck to her mouth.

They were still moving in slow circles and Y/N could have stayed like this forever. It wasn't even much of an overwhelming feeling or exciting fireworks inside her tummy or a hot tightness spreading inside her chest or anything like that shit. This moment just simply felt right, and Y/N felt the happiness about the decision to just kiss Hoseok first that day consuming her.

Hoseok smiled into the kiss and then pulled away to take one step back and spinning Y/N around. He was quick to pull her back in and connecting their lips again though. Y/N chuckled and melted right back into his touch.

His arms tightened around Y/N's body. There was no space left between them whatsoever.

It was always like this. No matter if it was a make-out session or cute, innocent and small stolen kisses. There was never the slightest distance between them.

The kiss started to get a lot more heated, and Y/N could feel her heartbeat matching the building up tension.

It was when Y/N sighed into the kiss contently that Hoseok quickly pulled away. His hands were now holding onto her elbows and for a split-second Y/N believed to have seen fear in his eyes. Before she had any chance to give it a thought though, his bright smile was back on Hoseok's face and he made Y/N spin around again.

She almost tripped over her own feet from the sudden action, but Hoseok kept her from meeting with the ground. And of course, he had nothing better to do than to laugh at Y/N after that.

"Looks like I still am the better dancer." He told Y/N while still holding onto her. She only rolled her eyes and smacked his arm.

She had never said or even thought she was a better dancer than Hoseok. She did make fun of him a lot though when she had learned that he couldn't dance disco fox. And much to Hoseok's displeasure, she had made a huge point of how unacceptable it was that he, as the great dancer the world claimed him to be, didn't know one of the simplest and obviously absolutely important dance routines.

"Llambi would be so disappointed in you." Y/N had sighed with the saddest tone she managed.

"Who is Llambi?"

Just Dance | J.HSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin