three | the shepherd

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While looking between Emma and Veronica, Henry quietly asked them, "You know why he doesn't remember? The curse isn't working on him yet

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While looking between Emma and Veronica, Henry quietly asked them, "You know why he doesn't remember? The curse isn't working on him yet."

With a nod of her head, Emma said to him, "Henry, David has amnesia."

Henry replied, "Which is preventing the curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories."

With yet another nod of her head, Emma said to him, "Right. Because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are."

With a nod of his own head, Henry replied, "Right. And now's our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he..."

In turn, Emma said to him, "He's Prince Charming."

Henry said to her, "Yes. And if we get him to remember that he's Prince Charming, then we can get Veronica to remember that she's Princess Mona– his little sister that he was fighting against from before the curse happened. Now, all we have to do is jog his memory by getting him and Ms. Blanchard together."

While Veronica only rolled her eyes at Henry's words, Emma asked him with a mere tilt of her head, "Didn't we just try that?"

Henry replied, "And it woke him up."

It was then that the three of them heard a voice say to them, "Hey." After the three of them had quickly raised their heads to look up at David Nolan, David asked them, "You're the ones who saved me, right?"

As she stood up from where she was sitting beside Henry and Veronica, Emma said, "Oh. Yeah, I guess."

While Henry silently eyed Veronica, who refused to even remotely look in David's direction, David told them, "And, uh, you're also the only ones I know here."

In turn, Emma said to him, "You can hide with us."

David replied, "Fantastic." Then he turned to a man that was carrying a plate of food before he said to him, "Thank you."

After watching David stab one of the carrots with a toothpick, Henry asked him, "So, you ever use a sword?"

With a chuckle, David said to him, "I'm sorry?" Then he looked between Emma and Veronica as he asked them, "Hey, you two live with Mary Margaret, right?"

While Emma only nodded her head and Veronica quickly looked up at David with narrowed eyes, David asked them, "Either of you know if she's coming tonight?"

While Veronica slowly stood up from where she was sitting and took a step closer towards David, Emma told him, "No, she couldn't make it."

In response to her words, David had only nodded his head before he looked directly at Veronica and asked her, "Hey, uh, are you okay? You don't look too good."

In turn, Veronica said to him, "I'm fine."

Then she quickly pushed her way past him and made her way out of the house and back over towards the apartment that she lived in with Emma and Mary Margaret.

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