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Tigry is on his way to the park, to meet up with his friend, Rash. The sun is setting in beautiful colours of the rainbow.
It's fall and the colourful leaves of the trees have coloured the concrete in beautiful red and oranges. Tigry just had a huge argument with his mother. They always argue and Tigry is always away from home outside, he likes it, it's calmer and he doesn't have to listen to his moms screaming.

He spots Rash waiting under a big tree and Tigry goes up to him.

"Hey! What's up, dude?" Rash calls Tigry over.

Tigry is now standing in front of Rash, his eyes are full of energy, as always, but he seems extra excited for something.

"Hey, nothing much. You look very excited, what happend?" Tigry greeted as they did a cool and simple handshake.

"Okay", Rash took a deep breath to calm himself a bit, "So, there's gonna be a new kid in our school! They're gonna be in our class too!"

"Mhm.." Tigry didn't seem very impressed nor excited, he just looked tired and dead like everyday.

"'Mhm'?!? That's all you're gonna say?? A new person? In our boring class? Isn't that exciting? Maybe it's gonna be a guy and we'll have an addition to our group!" Rash told his best friend.

Tigry wasn't really into the idea of introducing new people to the group or even making new friends, one friend was enough for him.

"Anything else?" Tigry mumbled just loud enough to hear.

"Ohh, hmmm..", Rash was thinking, "Would you like to hang out at my place? My mom made dinner!"

Hm...,Tigry thought

"Sure, why not."

Rash made a little jump: "Yippee!"

"You know you don't have to act like a child, you're 16.." Tigry interrupted his friends little celebration.

"I can't control that you know?" Rash said sarcastically.

"Let's just go.." Tigry started walking.

"Wait for me!"

There they were, in front of a small container with windows

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There they were, in front of a small container with windows. The light was lit and the night had already begun to start. They had a tiny garden with a tomato plant and flowers, which were both in terrible condition. The container was blue and had a colourful and welcoming feel to it. Even tho it was nighttime you could see the colours on the container well, so colourful and vibrant.

They both approached the door and Rash knocked gently. The smell of a delicious meal tickled Tigry's nose.

After a few minutes a small and chubby lady opened the door, she looked very similar to his friend, it must be his mother. Her hair is in a messy bun and she is wearing a long dress and has a huge and friendly smile on her face.

"Oh, Welcome, welcome! Come in!" She shook Tigry's hand aggressively and hugged her son.

The home was small, cozy and colourful, just walking in here lifted Tigry's mood. The kitchen, dining room and bedroom were all in the same room. He couldn't see any bathroom anywhere.

"Tigry, how are you? I haven't seen you in so long!" Rash's Mom questioned Tigry, while Tigry took a seat at the small table in one of the three chairs.

"I'm good, thanks, Mrs.Racoon." Tigry answered her question.

"Well food is almost ready! We're having Spaghetti Bolognese." Mrs.Racoon told the teens.

Rash took a seat next to Tigry.

"I don't get how you're never excited about anything, not even the new student!" Rash started.

"Do I have to?" Tigry asked his friend.

"No, no, you don't, It's just that I don't understand, that's all!" He stated.

Rash and Tigry were covered in a wall of awkward silence only the boiling spaghetti was left to be heard.

"You want something to drink?", Rash quickly inquired Tigry, "We have Cola, tab water, obviously, Orange juice and grape juice!"

Tigry took some time to decide. He always chose tab water, but today he felt like drinking something different, "Orange juice, I'll take orange juice"

After Tigry answered, Rash stood up and went to the fridge, it was bright red and it looked very old that even some colour was coming off. He opened the fridge and a small bit off cool air came into Rash's direction as he took out the bright orange glass bottle. He placed the bottle on the counter and took out two glasses from a cabinet.

He poured the orange juice into both glasses. One glass had a blue fade and had a cylinder shape, meanwhile the other one started small on the bottom and became bigger to the top.

Rash sat back down and took the smaller glas and drank a bit.

"You always drink what I drink" Tigry stated.

"What? You have a problem with it?" Rash mocked his moody big friend.

"No I don't", Tigry simply replied drinking from his glass too.

Rash was about to relax when his mother called out his name: "Rash! Why don't you help your mother set the table?"

Rash groaned and stood up to help his mother. He took a wooden cutting board and placed it in the middle of the table, then took three plates, which all looked completely different, and placed them on the table. Mrs.Racoon took the pot with the Spaghetti Bolognese and placed it on the cutting board.

Mrs.Racoon got herself a glass of water and brought a simple cucumber salad to the table. She sat down and she and Rash put their hands together to pray. Tigry just watched them as he wasn't Christian.

After Rash and his mother finished their prayer they all started eating.
Tigry loves Mrs.Racoon's cooking, especially because it makes him feel really happy and fuzzy inside. Tigry thinks of Mrs.Racoon like his mother rather than his actual mom and Rash as his brother, they were like his family and he's always cherished that they invited him over.

"And? What do you think?" Mrs.Raccoon questioned the kids.

"Amazing as always, Mrs.Raccoon"

Mrs.Racoon was always happy to hear compliments.

"Tigry are you staying over again?" Mrs.Racoon asked Tigry. He stays over very often, because he likes it here alot more than at home.

"Unfortunately I won't be staying over" Tigry told them with a sad look on his face, he would stay over if he could but he doesn't want to get more yelling from his mom than he already gets daily.

They finished eating and Tigry insisted to help clean the dishes, because they didn't have a dishwasher and had to wash by hand. They also only had a very small container home because the mom worked at a small candy shop business.

It was already dawn and it was time to go for Tigry. Rash and his mother knew about his situation at home so they were hesitant to let him go, but he had to so they let go.

"Bye, bye!"


"See you soon and thank you for the food"

As he opened the door the cold breeze hit his jacket and face he went through the small, well maintained garden and went over the rocky way reaching the concrete. Tigry always had to walk past a bridge on his way home where he met someone...

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