October: 21

23 1 0

Nobu's POV


The sun shines through the ripped and tattered sheer curtains barely covering the window in Nobu's bedroom. And softly, the sun's rays glow over top, and spilling, onto the bed. The two sleepy punks. The desk top. Nobu's lucky guitar. And all the glasses and clear cases that inhabited Nobu's room. And in the center of it all. The alarm clock beeps for nothing, ringing the scenery....

Nobu flutters his eyes awake, from the sudden sounds. Big ears are quite sensitive...He turns the alarm clock to snooze. It was always broken..

Just like him. And every other thing. Including company.

After Nobu got done with the broken clock. He softly goes back to Tomoko's side, softly kissing her exposed cheek, her face covered away in Nobu's pillow. And her hair scattered across what's showing. Nobu carefully wraps his arms back around Tomoko's soft silestone skin. Pale and peach pink...

Right around her back and waist, a little embrace. It always feels good.

But suddenly, Tomoko flashes her long lashes and begins to wake up too. Like the afternoon nap just wouldn't last at all. And today's already Monday.

"Ah....Nobu~" Tomoko croaks. "Not even a Good Morning first?" Nobu replies.

"Nope" said Tomoko, smiling.

"Mhhmm....~" Nobu digs his face into Tomoko's neck and hugs her more. Getting closer.

"Hey, you got something to do today..?" Said Tomoko.

"Fuck you..Why you always think I do shit..." Nobu pouts.

"You said yourself you're a wreck, yeah~" Tomoko replied. Kissing Nobu's forehead, and he smiles.

"But you're always so cute with your baby cheeks ~ ♡" said Tomoko, kissing Nobu's face all over softly.

"Yeah~" Nobu croaks, looking at Tomoko gently.

"You really look at me like you've known me since the beginning don't you?" Said Tomoko, getting on top of Nobu and smiling.

She lays herself on his chest. "Hm~ But I'm just a Nobu" He smirked.

"Hmm..I'd say I love you now" said Tomoko, gazing at him.

Nobu's eyes light up, and both his round ears and cheeks hue a soft pink. He looks to the side, surprised, and back to an excited Tomoko. Kissing his lips, he's stunned.

"You crazy bitch, what if you just called yourself a rodey now?" Said Nobu, gazing at them too.

"Suit yourself dead then, because you'll say it back with those fucking gaint ass moans you got!" "I know what kind of PUNK you are, Nobu" said Tomoko.

"...I hate you so fucking much. But I'm already here for the ride~" said Nobu, clarifying.

"Give me clarity for your head ass and I'll stick like a fly on you" said Tomoko.

"You want to be a rodey don't you?" Said Nobu.

"I'm your biggest fan, bitch" replied Tomoko.

Nobu smirks, and Tomoko kisses his lips again. And he just rolls her over and she laughs. Wanting it. Like a fan girl. But she's just an angel turned a fly. Deftones.....

The smell of sex and heat fills the afternoon haze. Like they never had enough. And just like a fly, Tomoko screams like she's a virgin. Something unseen. Nobu moans from low. Like it's worse than last light. Squids are sticky. S q u i d s are. And Nobu's cell phone keeps blaring the sounds of Death From Above and Deftones. As they do it raw, and smooth. SlipKnot plays too, but only a little....

Squids are already so w e t .

And both of them are so irresponsible enough to never have enough.

Squids like things without a safety net. Raw is best when you're so slippery. What's to lose?

Then, Nobu's phone shakes and his messenger app goes off. A lousy text ruining the moment....

Work. Music. Nothing much.

As for Punks go...

Tomoko looks at Nobu, with glossy and glazed eyes. Like candy, high. And high enough to love the pull out more than sex. She's a squid after all. They like to play. And Nobu can't stand it. He reaches for his flip phone on the jacked looking night stand. Opening it up.

Produxer34. Just a friend, and an annoying one too.

"Stupid ass bitch! Probs calling me to work now cuz he knows I'm busy. Motherfucker....Nobu takes up his phone, and shuts it. Without even letting Tomoko get any look. "What's that about..?" She asked.

"Just a bastard, Riyo Ito...BlackStones newest producer working for us and our jack shit label..."

"Since you're so obsessed with me and my band, I'm pretty sure you already know we always produce and compose our own shit. But Yasu likes having friends. And Shin too...."

"Hey! I'm just a fucking "Rodey-ette" whore~ I'm not no "obsessed". Maybe with you though....I like that you're a fucking brat yeah.." said Tomoko, getting a Seven Star cigarette from the nightstand. Lighting it.

"So I was right the first time...?" Said Nobu, arching his brow. Toying them.

"Have you gotten used to me? I know I said a lot of bullshit to you last night. But don't forget me...~" Said Tomoko, playing.

"Squid....Game.." Nobu hitched at his words. Then smirking, taking Tomoko's cig. And she just takes it. Smizing....

"Rodey-ette hu-" Nobu started.

"Don't you need to be somewhere..?" Tomoko interrupted him.

"...hmm" he laughs, "fuck you~" he said, getting played. Blowing a blunt.

"I'd say more but...Flies bite..hmhm" he chuckles.

Nobu gets off from the bed, and Tomoko gets a chance to slap his ass before he comes biting back. Like a brat. And it's only been....4 full days. And 5th one starting...Lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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