6. The New Guy

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Namjoon was thankful that the RV had landed in a secluded area of France where only cows and other critters were witness to what looked like three aliens leaving a space craft. They were also the only witness to Namjoon hurling up the food he had eaten in the last several days over the wooden fence he threw himself against. Hobi walked over to Namjoon with a paper towel he had found in the RV, gently placing a hand on his back as he rubbed it and tried to sooth him. Suga just stood at the exit to the RV, leaning against it with a smirk as he kept his arms across his chest.

When Namjoon was finished getting sick, he stood up straight and tried to take stock of their surroundings. It was a night unlike any that he was used to. When he'd stand at his bedroom window sometimes at night, he was able to see a lit skyline. Now the night around him was only lit by the RV and a few stars that seemed to blink in and out of existence. He looked back over at Suga as he hopped down out of the doorway, taking a look around at the night himself. His observation was interrupted by a fly that seemed to find a fascination with him as he swatted at it again and again. Namjoon couldn't help but to get a smirk on his face.

"So did we arrive?" asked Hobi. "It's hard to tell since there really isn't much around."

Namjoon dug his phone out of his pocket, looking at the lack of signal in the upper corner.

"Well, there isn't any sort of signal on my phone, though that doesn't mean anything. I believe we are though. There aren't any lights around here."

He tucked his phone away as he looked at the RV. They would have to hide it so it wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.

"We need to move the RV," said Namjoon. "We can't leave it lying around."

Suga - who was still at war with the fly and looking as if he was now doing some sort of karate moves against it - looked over at him and nodded. Suga hit at the fly once more before moving to re-enter the RV. Namjoon and Hobi walked away from the fence and were soon to follow him inside. Namjoon dapped at his lips with the paper towel before chucking it in the trash bin, turning to see that Suga was trying again and again to turn the key to start the RV with no luck.

"Maybe we can push it," suggested Namjoon.

Even though he didn't know if they could do such a feat considering how stuck it was in the ruts, it seemed the only option they had yet. Thankfully there was a tree line that wasn't too far from them. Namjoon, Hobi, and Suga all got behind the RV, shoving it what felt like one painstakingly slow inch at a time towards the tree line. They had just managed to get it hidden out of sight when a horse drawn carriage pulled up short behind them.

The three of them turned around to look at the young man in tattered clothes that sat atop the wagon holding the reins. He quirked a brow at them, and it was only then that Namjoon realized how odd they must look since none of them had changed their outfits.

"Are you three alright?" the man asked.

"We're fine," said Namjoon. "We are just making our way to the nearest city or village."

"Well, both are far away unfortunately. You're out in farm territory if you couldn't tell," he said with a grin that flickered on and then off his face. "Why don't you hop in the wagon? You can stay at my place for the night."

"That would be very kind of you," said Namjoon as he moved forward to hop up on the bench seat beside the man. Hobi jumped in the back of the wagon amongst the straw while Suga just continued to stand there with his arms crossed.

"Come on," said Namjoon as Suga looked at him.

"I don't want to," said Suga.

Namjoon flushed. They hadn't even been in the past that long and Suga was already complicating things. Muttering a brief apology, Namjoon slipped off the wagon and went over to Suga.

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