Chapter 5

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(I am re-imagining his tent, to give the story a bit more depth to it. In the game, it looks dark, dreary, and musky. But besides that, enjoy!
I also apologize if he seems OOC.)

“I- I feel a strange connection to you, I feel- what was it…- love. Towards you. I love you.”
The blush on his face grows even deeper, and he shrouds his face in his cloak. He looks like he is shaking. Tiny tears prick at the corners of his eyes, he looked scared. Scared of? You didn’t know.

“Grimm, I think I feel the same way.” You smile and comfort him, placing your hand on his cheek and gently stroking it. He calms down a bit, “You do..?”
“I do. I don’t think I can help it.”
“Oh, Y/N!”
He sweeps you off your feet into a beautiful, big bear hug. He buries his head into the crook of your neck, squeezing you tighter.
“I’ve fallen so hard for you.. I can’t believe it. I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same, no other bug (or human in that matter) has ever made me feel such a way,” He whispers. “I wouldn’t know.”

He backs up and holds your hands, staring deeply into your eyes. His cheeks flash pink again, and he asks,
“May I..?
You nod.

He drops your hands and places his on your jawline, bringing you into a passionate kiss. Rough, sweet, and mesmerizing. He makes it last for at least a minute before pulling away, both of your faces a red-hot mess. His eyes twinkle with love and amazement, once again meeting your gaze.

“That was-”
“That was magnificent.”
He buries his face again into your neck, rubbing against it. Little touch-starved baby. You wrap your arms around him for a gentle hug. After a few seconds, you slowly move him to a bench close by. He practically melts into you, like a sleepy kitten.
And that’s exactly what he does- he falls asleep.

You stroke his horns while he rests his head on your chest, his arms around your torso, and the rain seemed to fall a bit slower.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt so much love and joy.
While Grimm was sleeping, you let yourself sleep too, the two of you cuddling for hours.

You woke up with a pain in your neck, and Grimm now resting his head on your lap. He looked so precious, so peaceful, but you were tired of sitting on the bench: you wanted to go for a walk.
Gently, you laid Grimms body down on the bench and quietly walked away to not wake him.

The place looked the same as ever, dreary and wet, but you now felt different about it. It didn’t feel so much like a mystery, no, that’s been solved- it almost felt like some heaven.
And Grimm was the angel, you the poor sinner.
He saw it the other way around.

You felt a dash of warmth behind you and two arms slithering their way around your waist.
“Why did you leave? I had woken up, and you weren’t there. I was worried, why?
“Oh Grimm, I was tired. So I went on a walk, but I didn’t wake you since you looked so peaceful. I’m sorry.”
“Then next time, wake me. I wouldn’t be mad.
And I have a question to ask.”
“What is it?”

“Would you move in? I wouldn’t stand for you spending any more nights- or days- in this place. We’re both sopping wet. Would you?
We’d be closer as well…” He mumbled the last part.

“YES! Uh, yes! I’d love to. I don’t want to be out here anymore, but I’d still love to walk and talk.”
“Then hold on!”

He took your hands, and in the blink of an eye, you were in some sort of tent. It looked like a bedroom, and not entirely as tent-like as you would think. It looked more like an observatory, but with no windows. There was a bed with fine silk sheets, big enough for two people. “A king needs his beauty sleep.” He laughed.

Suddenly, you heard the flap of a tent opening and the small jingle of an accordion.
You heard a voice call out: “Hello? Master, are you in there?”
Grimm quickly placed a hand over your mouth and ushered you to hide next to the bed. “Yes Brumm, what do you want?” He replied with a groan.
Footsteps approached the area with the jingling accordion getting louder. You could see the figure now: He had a large, fluffy red ring around his neck and a mask like the Grimmkin in the crowd. There were also small horns atop his head, and his arms were striped with a grey-ish beige and black. The accordion was really something that looked like a maggot. He did look like a sweet fellow, and Grimm didn’t seem to look at him the same.

You tried to get a better look at him, but you hit your shoulder on the side of the bed, making you yelp. You quickly put your hand over your mouth, hoping they didn’t hear- but it was too late. Brumm was gazing over at you, and Grimm was glaring at Brumm.
“Oh my goodness…”

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