Chapter 20

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"well I really better get going" louis says as he puts the baby carrier on the stroller and walks out of the office and gets in the elevator and soon walks out of the elevator and sees harry walking to him

"can I talk to you" harry says

"no everything was said and done last year" louis says as the baby starts to cry

"are you still with Nathan" harry says with jealousy

"yes" louis says

'does he make you happy" harry questions

"he doesn't make me cry" louis says as louis takes the baby from the carrier and covers his head as louis didn't want harry to see him as louis starts to bounce with him

"louis please just talk to me" harry say

"no" louis says as harry tries to reach for him "don't touch me I have to go and take my son home its past his naptime"

"can we talk just I" is all harry can says

"no I was just a a game and you never wanted me you won I lost" louis says with sass and attitude

"you were never any of that I" harry says as the baby starts to cry

"look I don't care its over I am with Nathan where I am not accused of doing things I never did because of you" louis says with anger as the tears fall "look I get it I was at fault for cheating on micheal but I never cheated on you I was faithful but that was never good enough for you"

"please just I need you back I will even accept you with another mans baby" harry says

"no there will never be another us again" louis says "I have to go and get my son to bed"

"louis please don't go please I am begging you talk to me I miss you I want you back" harry says

"don't you understand that you and I are too toxic for each other" louis says as the baby starts crying as louis walks away from harry as louis goes to his car and starts to feed the baby as he starts to cry "im sorry booboo I really am I don't even know what to do anymore" louis says as his phones starts to ring "babe"

"hey where are you I came to your apartment" Nathan says

"im sorry helen and Andrew wouldn't let me leave" louis says as he sees harry walking to him

" are you on your way" Nathan asks

"yeah the baby just got hungry and I am feeding him as soon as he is done I will get there" louis says

"ok see you in a few" Nathan says

"ok" louis says as he finishes feeding the baby and starts to burp him and soon puts him in the carrier and sees harry next to him "look harry leave me alone i am happy with my boyfriend and i am not going to jeapodize this relationship please understand"

"Fine let me just tell you I'm sorry  for everything I know it was my fault and I persued and I'm sorry" Harry says crying

"look its not just your fault its my fault as well but its over with im sorry the time we were together made me so happy you made me happy" louis says as he cries

"can I hug you" harry says hopeful

"I think its best we don't" louis says not being able to look at harry

"I understand hope your boyfriend makes you happy its what you deserve" harry says "have a beautiful life with your son and boyfriend"

"I wish you happiness as well you deserve it I hope one day you find someone that will make you happy" louis says crying

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