Chapter 22

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To say that last 6 months went fast was an understatement and louis and Nathan have worked past the majority of their disagreements but still brings up adopting henry

"louis we have to go to the church for rehearsals" Nathan yells out

"Im coming" louis says as he walks to Nathan

"you look beautiful" Nathan says

"thank you cant believe tomorrow we get married" louis says

"I know I been practicing with henry walking down the aisle" Nathan says

"how is he doing" louis says

"really good he is getting good" Nathan says

"I am sure the snacks you give him are a bonus incentive" louis says laughing as they walk out of the house "when do you get the keys to the house"

"in 2 weeks so we are here for another 2 months" Nathan says as they get to nathans car "is harry bringing henry to the church"

"no my mom is picking him up and bringing him" louis says as they continue to talk and soon get to the church

"Mommmy" henry yells out as he runs to louis as louis picks him up and hugs him

"did you have fun at dads" louis asks

"yeah we play and make cupcakes" henry says with a wide smile

"im happy you had fun with dad" louis says

"hey buddy" Nathan says with a wide smile as he takes henry from louis

"nate nate" henry says

"no its dad" Nathan says as henry refuses to call Nathan dad

"no no no" henry repeats over and over as he shakes his head his curls flying around as he got older he looked identically to harry and louis loved that but Nathan did not

"its dad" Nathan says

"no no no" henry says

"ok fine but you will call me dad" Nathan says

'Nope" henry says

"come on boo we have to get started" louis says laughing "mom"

"hey I don't see the wedding planner" jay says

"she is parking her car" louis says

"come on henry lets go play and get you hyper" doris says as they all run to the play area

"sorry louis lets get started" the wedding planner says

"ok" louis says as they get everyone and start to line up and do what the planner tells them what to do

"henry like we practiced ok" Nathan says

"ok" henry says as he gives Nathan a thumbs up as henry walks downt he aisle as he was told and runs downt he aisle to jay

"this brat' louis says laughing

"Ok so Nathan you are next" the planner says as Nathan walks down the aisle with his parents as they continue

"louis you ready" the planner says

"no umm wait" louis says as he starts to cry as he takes a deep breath "ok"

"when the music starts you will start to walk" the planner says

"ok" louis says as he starts to cry as the doors open and louis looks up at sees harry instead of Nathan "I love you" louis whispers out

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