You can't stop love from happening if it's meant to be then it will happen

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March 18 2019 5:00 pm

Kaitlyn stared out the window of the limo as she watched the streets go by on the way to the premiere, almost eighteen years ago in may her dad and uncles had written a book called the the dirt about there life's involving when they first started and the trouble and shit they did when they were younger. She remembers her dad and uncles doing a lot of press because she was left with her older brother since she was eleven and it was too young but after a friend lent her the book to read she begin to ask questions which made Mick call a meeting with her uncles and they answered all her questions, immediately she launch into why her uncle Nikki took drugs to which he responded he had a bad childhood and didn't know how to cope with the pain of it and it lead him down the wrong path. She then asked about the car accident, and Vince said he regrets it every day and that you should never drink and drive nor do drugs. Once she got to her dad, she asked about his bone disease, and he told her everything and anything she wanted to know. While Mick thought she was too young to know about all that stuff, he knew she would only try it and hope that she never got the chance to. "You sure are quit she heard her stepmother voice and turned to see them looking at her, "just thinking about the past is all she said, looking out the window again, making Mick smile fade.

Three weeks ago she was raped while walking back to the house and become a shell, she begin to shut everyone out and refused to come out in fear so the fact he talked her into coming with him was a miracle in it itself, he hoped that being out and with her uncles she would open up to what really happen that night because she has not said anything except to the police and they still hadn't found the guy yet. "You know what? I told you right, "thinking of the past isn't good because it makes you go to a dark place," he said to his daughter, knowing he was right. When she thought of the past, her mind would go to a dark place, and when that happens, she made choices that weren't always right, "Yeah, i know, but i can't help it, dad. "I mean, it's be three weeks, and this is still bugging me. Hey, it takes time, baby girl, you know that. 'Remember what the doctor said about this, "people don't aways heal straight away it takes time and the only way for that to happen is if you talk about it he said trying to push a little to see where his daughter head was, "I don't want to talk about it dad so please Just drop the question please kaitlyn said hating when her dad brings it up.

"Ok baby ok i drop it but you know you can aways talk to us or your uncles right he said leaning over to grab her hand as he watched her shake her head yes, as the limo pulled up to the red carpet they all got out and headed toward the theater as they stoped and took pictures for the cameras, as she walked along she couldn't help but notice the stares she was getting and hurried up and didn't get anymore pictures because she didn't feel comfortable. She kept walking until she accidentally run into some chest making her nearly fall if they hadn't caught her, "wow hey I'm sorry I wasn't looking where i was going she heard a welsh accent and she looked up to see I Iwan Rheon The Welsh actor who played her dad in the movie. "No it was my fault she said, looking into his beautiful eyes, "wait, your Kaitlyn Mick daughter Iwan said freaking out because he nearly ran over Mick Mars' daughter. Kaitlyn Begin to laugh which was music to his ears, "don't worry my dad won't hurt you if you knock me down she said not understanding why she was being calm and collected since she can never be near a man that wasn't her uncles or dad. "Good because I certainly don't want him on my tail Iwan said, he heard about what happened to her from the news and could see she had a bit of fear in her eyes so he did the only thing he knew to do.

"Well it was nice to meet you but i need to go to talk to Douglas he said walking away but not before planting a kiss on her hand, "Kaitlyn watched the men go and felt butterflies in her stomach making her worried. "No Kaitlyn you can't fall for him because he is just like the person who rape you she told herself and hurried into the theater and took her seat, during the whole movie she couldn't keep her eyes off iwan and it bothered her so bad. She was afried of men but just a few minutes ago she had a full conversation with men who is five years older then she was and not once did she feel scared, meanwhile seraina saw the look her stepdaughter was giving the men three seats down from him and couldn't help it smile, she deserves happiness and maybe he can get her to open up again but she was not going to tell mick in fear that he may do something crazy and make Kaitlyn retreat back into her shell. After the conversation, she heard she saw bits and pieces of the old Katie coming back, and that was something she liked to see. She turned back toward the movie but kept her eyes on her stepdaughter. Midway thought the movie seraina saw Kaitlyn get up and leave, which made her start to get up before she saw Iwan get up and she stayed seated.

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