Why is she acting odd and keeping a sceret

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May 28 2019 8:00 am

Mick sit at the kitchen  drinking his coffee and Couldn't help but think about the past year, there book the dirt was made into a movie and his daughter had a met a men who got her to finally opened up again which give him a peace  of mind knowing his daughter wasn't keeping things bottled up, "hi baby seraina said comming in and giving his wife a kiss on the cheek and grabbed herself a cup of coffee and sit down in front of im. "Spoke to Kialtyn before I come down here and see seems to be doing better then last mouth, last mouth Kaitlyn had come down with something that the poor women lived of gatorade  And fruits since she couldn't eat anything but now it seems to have gone away and for that both of them was grateful. Seraina had spent many nights and days  holding her daughter hair up while she  vomited in the toilet, mick never knew because he aways at the studio and only found out when he come home early and found seraina holding Kaitlyn while she was throwing up. "Yes definitely glad she is feeling better because i hated seeing my baby girl like that mick said and it was the truth, when ever his daughter would get sick it broke his heart because there wasn't much he could do for her but hold her hair and make sure she  had Gatorade and other stuff to calm her stomach..

Kailtyn had moved in with iwan at the beginning of the mouth but had come to visit since he was out of town working and she didn't want to be by herself which she didn't mind because they aways made sure to tell her she was aways welcomed home, "hi guys Kaitlyn said commming into the kitchen giving them both a kiss and headed to the fridge to grab herself something to eat while mick watched her. Since she got here three days ago she had be acting odd and was more hyper then usually which raised a flag in his mind but he didn't speak his mind, she also had be a lose cannon because yeasterday les come to bring him a guitar and he had forget she was sleeping and she went off on the poor guy then begin to cry when she relized what she ahd done.les had told her he wasn't mad and promise to be more quiet but once she was out the door his son looked deathly afraid of his sister for the first time and just last night they were watching  the notebook and she just burst into tears making both him and seraina look at her like she had three heads and it took hours to calm her down. "You seem more happy today baby girl anything you want to tell us mick said looking to his daughter who  tunred and smiled at him, "no daddy I'm just happy because i spoke to Iwan this mouring and he is comming in tomorrow and I can't wait she said turning back to her food to and finished eating,  Kaltyn had be trying not to show anything since she didn't want to spilled the beans in fear of it geting out before they were able to process the news.

They had about a mouth to  let it sink in but she was afraid to tell her dad especially since it was unexpected and they wanted to keep it under wraps untill a few more weeks and then released to it everyone, "you sure because don't take this the wrong way but your be acting strange,"i know and i'm sorry but it's just I ain't used to Iwan being away is all and stil l get used to living with him she said hoping to throw her dad off her tail in fear he would connect the dots. Rain was already connecting the dots she didn't need her dad jumping on that wagon because then he found a way to get it out of her without even trying. "Ok but if there i anything bothering you please let us know mick said as his daughter nodded and left the kitchen before he turned back to his wife, "she's hiding something and I don't like it one but he said making seraina laugh, "oh honey come on now do you really think she hide something from her dad and not tell you she said not believing for one minute kaitlyn would do that since they had a closed bond and nothing stood in the way of that. "Maybe i mean she did one time when she was a teenager and it landed her in rehab, "but this time is different honey she is Much better and thriving way better then before seraina said rembering the headlines of the news about kailtyn being up in rehab and the drama and stress it cause the young girl.

Meanwhile upstairs kaitlyn called her husband and was vocieng her worries to him, "Iwan my dad knows something is up and aunt rain is already putting things togather what do we do she said pacing back and forth making Iwan take a deep breath and let it out. "Look baby I promise no one knows anything and sure there putting things together but without any evidence to support it they have nothing but you need to come down before you give it away he said hoping to calm down his girlfriend before she accidentally spill the beans without trying. "I am trying to calm down, but you have no ideal now nosy. My family is, and there stopped at nothing to get information from me she said, which was true. Her dad was the most one who wouldn't stop at anything to get info out of her and it terrified her so much, "I know baby but just a couple more days and then we can tell everyone because we both agree to wait untill next mouth. 'I know i know baby, "look i got To go, "I promise my aunt rain and uncle vince that i would come over and eat lunch with them today she said as she said goodbye to her boyfriend and hunged up the phone. "Ok i can do this just a couple more weeks and then bam we can  let the news out she said trying to hype herself up as she got dressed and headed  out the door as she told her parents goodbye and headed down to her uncle house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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