Under my thumb

667 23 10

MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts

There's nothing quite like hearing that final dismissal bell after a long day of shitty classes.

khai immediately shot up from her chair, the tension that had built up in her shoulders throughout the school day flourished into ease as she let her body slump from the release of stress.

throwing her bag carelessly around her arm, she immediately made her way out of class. Skipping down the hallway as she shoved herself through the slow moving crowds of students, making a beeline to her best friends locker.

khai spotted Riri shoving her bag full with the remainder of her books and loose ends that where stuffed in her locker, slamming the metal to a close with a huff. "Sup' Row."

"Hey, you finished classes for the day?" Khai spun on her heel so she was facing her friend as the two made their way down the hall, Khai stalking backwards toward the main doors of the campus.

"No, but i have time between now and then if you wanna head back to our dorm." Riri replied, making sure Khai didn't slam into anyone as they walked. "Sure, you still up for tonight? We haven't smoked in a while, was lookin' forward to it."

"How could i not be? It's our favourite way to waste our evenings." Riri took a hold of her friends arm, spinning her forward as they shoved past the heavy double doors leading to the outside of main campus, giggling together as they continue their walk in the warm afternoon sun.

The two best friends had met at the start of the school year, both of them being roommates and in most of the same classes together. Khai and Riri shared a lot of the same interests too, therefore leading them to bond pretty quickly and becoming joined at the hip ever since. They found themselves just staying close with each other, not really bothering to befriend anyone else.

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When the girl's reached their dorm, Khai dropped her bag to the floor and walked straight for the little kitchen the two shared. Desperate for a glass of water after forgetting to bring anything with her earlier.

she carried the glass over to her bedside before chugging her drink. Once she set the empty glass down, she turned to her record player which was placed on an old, mahogany table they'd half paid for each after spotting it in a thrift store window one Saturday afternoon. The table now living between Khai's and Riri's beds.

Khai had their dorm covered in vinyls. From the worn down bookcase full to the brim with her classic's, to little piles on the floor. She had an album for everything, music being her way of surviving through day to day life.

The first thing Khai had ever bought with her terribly low waged, waitress job she had gotten during the summer before leaving for MIT was her record player. That was her baby. Khai and riri have a weekly routine of listing to records and smoking joints they bought from the school's tacky drug dealer every Thursday after classes, that was their day to just catch up with each other's lives and talk about the most random things that came to mind.

'Under my thumb' by The Rolling Stones flowed through the dorm as khai shut the lid to the record player, slipping down on top of her bed she half assed made a few hours prior. Khai closed her eyes as she began humming to the rhythm, tapping her fingers on her thigh whilst she slowly drifted off to a world of her own.

Just as riri sat at the end of khai's bed, eyes glued to her phone there was a knock on their door.

"Where you expecting anyone?" Khai looked to her friend with a confused look. "No.." Riri replied as she got up and made her way to the door. "Yo?"

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