In the way

50 5 0

Example- "speaking"

Example- 'thoughts'

Y/N - Your Name
L/N- Last Name
F/N- Fake name

I do not constantly update..! I am mainly doing this for my own enjoyment so.. :D I also don't add any memes or old vines into my writing, nor am i cliche ( atleast I don't try to be)

[first person]

8:28 AM

As soon as I made it outside, I rushed towards the table full of yelling. I didn't want to make it obvious that I was running towards them, so I slowed down before they would be able to see me, then I sat down at a table near theirs instead. I noticed the one with the black hair and an orange headband on the floor, yelling about an 'enemy'.

'That's Narancia, his stand- if I recall, is Aerosmith..'

When I was bored one day I had decided to do research on every gang in Passione- well only the gangs with stand users in them.. There wasnt a special reason for it besides boredom.. but now it might come in handy.

As I observed from my table, I noticed a shark in Narancia's soup. (The soup that he had just smashed to the ground)

'Hold-on.. a shark..? In his soup? Are there more stand users here?' ...

I had to sit up a bit more to see what was going on. While Narancia was ... staring into his spoon full of soup...? The shark jumped out of the spoon and bit his tongue clean off.

He started to yell and blabber non-coherent words which ended up getting the attention of his team and random on-lookers, so I decided to leave.
I know who's stand is attacking Narancia, so I just have to find him.

It was Squalo's, and he ended up naming his stand something like 'Splash' or 'Crash'

Or something along those lines..

eh- doesn't matter.

...When I was reading about Squalo in the past, his information told me that he had a boyfriend, Tiziano, he was also in Passione, and they usually work together on missions.

So I'll just assume that he's here as well..

'Damn it.. that's going to make it so much harder with them here.. Im going to have to look for them first..'

and get rid of them..'

I was already pretty far from café, as I was walking around I was looking for the couple.
But since Italy is a popular tourist country, there were people EVERYWHERE.

'If I want to find them in a crowd this big, I have to go up somewhere high, or its gonna take a lot longer.'

I started to speed walk, which turned into a jog, which turned into a run. I started to push people out of my way, and then I saw from a good distance away; A staircase with nobody on it, but I had to cross a small bridge which was full of people to get to it..

I ran towards the bridge and it was a good 25-30 foot jump over a stream if I wanted to jump across... 'luckily' for me, I had another option..

I jumped into the stream which was surprisingly steep, I couldn't even touch the bottom like I thought I could. I quickly gasped for air, held my breath and swam across. People were staring at me like I was crazy but I could really care less.

Once I reached the other side of the stream I pulled myself up and swiftly ran to the empty staircase. As I ran, water from my hair & clothes flew everywhere, especially onto other people..


Once I reached a high enough spot on the staircase I started to look around for the two men. I searched into the crowd of tourists, the people eating at the café, even inside strangers houses, but I couldn't find them at all..

While I was staring in some random woman's window, watching her watch TV, my eyes saw something orange on the roof. I turned my head to see what it was and then I saw Squalo and as I expected, he was with Tiziano. They were both sitting on a roof, staring at Narancia, who now had a pen in his throat so he could breathe...

I jumped down the stairs and ran towards the house that they were sitting on. I used my stand to pull me onto the second floor balcony and then I peeked out of the corner of the roof.

'I hope they don't see me, because I don't want to get into any fights today..'

I didn't bother getting any closer to them than I was, I was actually quite close already. I was right near their feet but they didn't notice me because they were too busy laughing at Narancia.

That's when my stand starting pouring out gas from it's hands and the gas slowly started making it's way toward the two men.

Once the fog went near their nostril's I smiled to myself and watched as they both inhaled at the same time. I didn't need to do anything else so I swiftly jumped off the balcony; Which gave me a small stinging in my ankles, but I still ended up making my way back to the café.


:D are y'all enjoying this so far? Does it make sense??

word count: 907

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