Will I make it?

48 5 1

Example- "speaking"

Example- 'thoughts'

Y/N - Your Name
L/N- Last Name
F/N- Fake name

I do not constantly update..! I am mainly doing this for my own enjoyment so.. :D I also don't add any memes or old vines into my writing, nor am i cliche ( atleast I don't try to be)

[first person]

9:02 AM

As I walked away from the house, the couple was now under my control. I began to run back to the café, pushing people AGAIN.

When I got back to the café, Buccarati's group was inside the bathroom, most likely looking for Squalo's stand. It wasnt going to come out though.

At-least not yet..

I walked over to the table that they were recently sitting at and sat down. I stared into a glass of water on the table and controlled Squalo to make his stand appear inside it.

As I stared into the water I got a little off topic. 'I really need to remember what this guys name was..





It was Clash!

..I think'

I made Clash leap out of the glass and land on me, I fell backwards and flew out of my seat, my head slammed against the concrete unexpectedly and I started screaming.

'Damn that hurt..!

I didn't want to actually get myself hurt..'

Everyone besides the blonde, new kid ran out of the bathroom to see what happened. They all gasped upon seeing the stand attack a random stranger .
All of them ran towards me, but Buccarati already had his stand out and was prepared to attack Clash.

When Buccarati ran over here, he started punching the shark while screaming "ARI-ARI-ARI" over and over again.

I didn't want Squalo to actually get harmed while I was controlling him, so I made him call back his stand and I didn't make him do anything else.

Once Clash disappeared the group of boys assumed that Bruno had beaten him. I groaned as I pulled myself up from the floor. I felt the back of my head to see if there was a bump or not and it was bleeding quite a bit.

As I was about to stand up I saw a person who had white pants and black-leather shoes walk over to me. I looked up at them and it was Buccarati.

"You should probably take it slow, you seemed to have hit your head pretty hard.." He knelt down and lifted me up, I could feel his biceps on my back as he supported me on my feet.

I stood up (with the help of Buccarati) and I looked around at his teammates. His team seemed to be wary of me since they realized I was able to see Clash.

Everyone just stared at each other quietly, I was waiting for someone to talk but it was just silent.           


"w-what was that..?! That shark thing- how was it in the water?!"

I glanced at all of them with fake panic in my eyes. Buccarati's team members all looked right at their capo, expecting him to do something.

Then a person finally spoke up.. "That shark that you saw, it's called a stand. A Stand is a physical manifestation of a person's life energy. You are either born with a stand, or you can acquire a stand with a stand arrow."

Instead of Buccarati talking, like everyone expected, it was the newbie. I didn't have any information on him, besides on what he looked like- but that wont be too helpful..

"How come nobody else here saw the shark..?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

The blonde haired kid responded again,
"Because, only stand users can see stands"

I nodded in understanding. "So..im a stand user??" I asked

"It seems so." He replied

After that amazing piece of information, Guido Mista ran over towards his capo and began to whisper something in his ear.

Buccarati gave Guido a cold glare and yelled- which actually caught me off guard. "Are you crazy?! You guys are in enough danger being with me, so why- WHY would I bring a random person with us?!"

'That's not the answer I wanted, Buccarati...' I thought to myself

I fake coughed to get their attention. "Is there something that you boys need help with? If it's not too much trouble I think I could be able to help."

Guido looked way too happy from hearing that, Buccarati frowned and then Abbacchio walked towards us and gave me the bitchiest face I've ever seen, then spoke to Buccarati as if I wasnt standing right there.

"Bruno, you should think carefully about this. A random person we don't even know want's to help us? What if they are working for the boss?"

'Damn this was going to be harder than I thought. I might have to use my stand..

No! I only want to do that if it's 100% necessary...



I know there was just mainly dialogue in this part but the next part will hopefully be better ! 🙏🙏

word count: 849

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